AHF’s Weinstein wrong on ‘Truvada whore’ #RemoveWeinstein

A Op-Ed in The Bay Area Reporter by Adam Zebowski, an HIV test counselor/recruiter at the San Francisco AIDS Foundation–

There were 50,000 new HIV infections in the United States last year. If condoms-only messaging could prevent new HIV infections, then how can we account for these new infections?

As an HIV test counselor, I know that condoms are not being used regularly. And that’s totally okay. It’s a reality of the world gay men live in today. The antiquated one-size-fits-all message about condoms is not meeting the needs of our community. It’s important to have options and for individuals to be able to choose what is right for them.

Approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 2012, Truvada for PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) is a new and effective HIV prevention strategy that we can add to our prevention toolkit. Analysis from the iPrEx PrEP study reveals that daily Truvada adherence yields HIV protection estimated at more than 99 percent. PrEP works best when you take one pill every day, as it is prescribed. Go to http://www.PrEPfacts.org to see if PrEP is right for you. Back on November 9, 2013, Michael Weinstein, the president and CEO of the AIDS Healthcare Foundation, the nation’s largest community HIV/AIDS health care organization, said, “if a person takes Truvada (as PrEP) when they are supposed to, and they take it every day, then their chance of becoming infected with HIV is close to zero.” This is a nonjudgmental and scientifically sound argument for PrEP. But on April 6, in a nationally circulated Associated Press article by David Crary, Weinstein claimed, “If something comes along that’s better than condoms, I’m all for it, but Truvada is not that. Let’s be honest: It’s a party drug.”

Ouch. Putting Truvada in the same category as crystal meth, GHB, and ketamine is a damaging blow to the PrEP movement. Instead of empowering individuals to make informed choices to protect themselves, Weinstein is stigmatizing them using shame-based rhetoric eerily similar to the oral contraception movement 50 years ago. It’s funny how history repeats itself. Welcome to 2014!

Calling Truvada a party drug reinforces the stigma and slut-shaming that many people who utilize PrEP encounter during interactions with doctors, sex partners, and friends.

Dr. Demetre Daskalakis, medical director of the ambulatory HIV program at New York’s Mount Sinai Hospital, finds “that opposition irresponsible. If some men don’t want to use condoms, they won’t. You have to deal with it by acknowledging that sometimes unprotected sex happens, and you can still prevent HIV infections.” In a very predictable fashion, opponents of PrEP claim that PrEPsters “irresponsibly” forgo condoms and attend countless drug-fueled sex parties. Dr. Robert Grant, PrEP pioneer at Gladstone Institutes and UCSF, noted that people who chose to use PrEP didn’t ignite “a wildfire of promiscuity. In fact, we saw the opposite. People tended to be safer.”

PrEPsters are called “Truvada Whores” simply for using this highly effective and FDA-approved HIV prevention strategy. Weinstein is reinforcing the social stigma associated with PrEP, creating yet another barrier against those who may most benefit from it.

In a BuzzFeed interview on April 17, Weinstein said that most of the backlash from his “party drug” comment is coming from the “bareback porn industry.”

He said, “They’re all associated with bareback porn, which kind of makes my point that it’s a party drug.” Michael Lucas of Lucas Entertainment finds his statements irresponsible, believing that Weinstein is very good at painting gay men “in the most unattractive light” and should be removed from his position of power.

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  • How scared is Weinstein? Seems like he's deployed his entire troll team to slash away at anyone who challenges him on the issue I'm pretty sure (and that he obviously suspects) will bring down the profiteering AIDS czar.

    He'd love to make it all about bareback porn companies assassinating his character, but he's already taken care of that himself and every time he sends his minions out to defame AIDS doctors, community healthcare workers, former AHF employees and other dissenters from his party line the ugliness of his desperation becomes more apparent.

    He's not going down without a fight and the kind of fight he's now waging in the community that has always been his base is much more likely to benefit his opponents than it will him.

    Let him attack everyone who dares to go against his dictatorial policies and vicious political manipulations. These things only expose the nature of the man more clearly.

    Knowing what I know about politics in the gay community, I'd suggest he start brushing up his resume. Unlike the easy target presented by the porn industry, this time he's up against opponents who can mop the ring with him.

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