Categories: Beef

Alleged Rapist Mark From The Dark Is Back

I guess I’m the only person in Texas with a IP…since his Donny Long/Shawn connection is based on IPs originating in Texas. Maybe it’s Mark. His people are from Houston. Maybe it’s his parents. Here’s a screen shot of his rant. Undoubtedly, he’s still mad cause I called him out after his last alleged rape. Rapist Mark, Drunk Monica and Roofie Slain…what a combo!

The owner of AdultTalentRegistry.com sent me the following email this morning in regards to discovering that his website is being hacked by someone referring all of his site’s members to xxxFilmJobs (Donny Long’s website).

Douchebag Donnie Long strikes again, even more dirtier deeds this time.

For the past week or so, adult film douchebag Donnie Long and his apprentice/butt buddy Shawn Thompson, admin from therealpornwikileaks.com is once again causing drama. After blatantly copying the website structure from my professional site, adulttalentregistry.com (a derivative of MB) and placing it on his loserville site xxxfilmjobs.com *which imho should be taken down and destroyed along with therealpornwikileaks.com*, he’s gone yet even further to cause me problems. I found today that he’s been attempting to spam my site, as well as adulttalentlist.com profiles with his petty ads. Note the photos. He’s usingmailinator.com to fake the emails. Probably proxies as well. IP’s coming from Texas signify Sean is in on it.

Sigh. I wish I could get my hands on either of these f*ckers. They need to be stopped. Any assistance is appreciated in dealing with these adult industry scum! 🙂

He wishes he could get his hands on me. Dude we can do this. Trust me…

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  • who is this douchenozzle? oh yeah...it's that rapist dude who takes advantage of, embezzles from, and otherwise tries to exploit female porn talent by any means possible. he especially targets girls that are new to the industry. it's odd that such a vile creature should refer to someone else as scum.

    at least anyone with a brain knows anything he says is suspect. dude is as credible as the other two in that fruitcake combo.

  • yea hes super smart....lol if i was actully messin with his site i would tell him..how many times did i tweet the pwl crew with the words hack hack..lol fuck Mark from the dark

  • Funny how you all seem to know the same thing. I think you're all in on it. Even Cindi.

    You're all losers who have no lives. PWL? GAY. Waste of space.

    How about a face to face meeting? Bunch of pussies. I am from Texas, and I will show you how we do it son.


  • Marc can't even spell right I am pretty sure some one else typed that up for him so he didn't look like an illiterate moron.

  • I know I'm late to this party, and normally I wouldn't care what Marc does, but I heard that he's trying to make his way back to Los Angeles. And, since I know him too well, I just did a Google search to find out where he might be heading -- which, along with my curiosity, led me here. None of the stuff I've read here about Marc surprises me, but I would like to know who he's gonna stay with since he's incapable of self-sufficiency. I'm almost certain that he'll try to pull the scam, "Hey, instead of paying my share of the rent, can I buy groceries for the house with my EBT card?," or he'll have some "friend" who's gonna be staying over for a while -- which in reality is some chick that he's either trying to fuck or make a quick buck even though it's not his couch, he's not even paying utilities nor paying even half the rent, and he's pocketing the money himself. And, I'm sure that the only way he can get out here is because he marked some stripper back in Houston into making good money so she can move him out here just to pimp her out. I know he did it with his girlfriend when he moved out here the first time, and I've heard he did that with the girl he came back last year to share that place in Northridge with Tucker. Of course, when the girl comes to her senses, he cries not because the relationship ended, but because he's without a meal ticket. Total Marc MO.

    BTW, as a former Houstonian, I would like to remind you guys that no one in Houston would ever claim to be "his people" no matter how well they know him (actually, the opposite is true), and that even his own mother wants nothing to do with that meth head.

    Regardless, if anyone on here ever comes across the only Jewish stereotype I've ever met (and I know a lot of Jewish people), remind him that he's not welcome in SoCal. Also, someone should report his ass to the IRS since it's illegal to be collecting income while on SSI; I'm sure they'll want to know about adulttalentregistry.com.

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