Alleged Trafficking Victim, Former Sex Worker: ‘Seeking Help Wasn’t Easy’

VANCOUVER, Canada – She felt threatened by her employer and the men that she was forced to have sex with for money, but a young woman who maintains she was lured into prostitution across two provinces told B.C. Supreme Court that asking police or friends for help was not as easy as a defense lawyer suggested.

The young woman, who cannot be named under a publication ban, testified at the trial of Reza Moazami on Tuesday that she agreed to work for the 29-year-old Vancouver man as an escort in 2010 while under the influence of GHB, a date-rape drug.

“I was given a home and a shelter by someone who promised me that I would be protected. . . someone who would try to create a kind of family where we worked,” the woman told the court. “Even though it was all a lie, he kept me comfortable when I was on drugs.”

She told the court that Moazami promised to keep her safe from “johns and police,” but that sense of protection was shattered when he took her to Calgary and she was “bullied and threatened in Calgary in a hotel room with two much larger people than myself and a girl I was with.”

Moazami did nothing because he had passed out, she said.

Moazami is charged with 36 counts including human trafficking, sexual exploitation, sexual interference and living off the avails of a juvenile involving 11 young victims.

None of the allegations have been proven in court.

The court heard Tuesday the witness broke free from Moazami in 2010 after working for him for about a month and a half. She left after police came to a Vancouver apartment one night and arrested Moazami on charges unrelated to the present proceedings.

Defense lawyer Danny Markovitz suggested that at that point, the young woman could have reported to the police that she was being used as a prostitute or that she felt abused.

“Here in the safety in front of police officers, you know that Reza’s been taken away in custody, you could have at that point in time, if things were so bad, said, ‘Look, I need help,'” said Markovitz.

“You make it sound so easy,” the witness said. “It wasn’t. We were manipulated to think that the police. . . didn’t have any good intentions.”

But Markovitz also suggested the witness voluntarily became a prostitute, and that Moazami did not chain her to a bed and force her to sleep with people.

Reza Moazami: Accused Of Pimping 11 Teens

The young woman testified that she continued to work as an escort for a brief period after she left Moazami. She also said she had started offering sexual favors before she met Moazami, though she told the court those favors never included intercourse.

Earlier in the hearing, Crown lawyer Damienne Darby said during her opening statement that after the young woman left Moazami, he allegedly asked her to meet up with him one night.

The young woman agreed, arriving at the location in a taxi with another woman who Darby said had also previously worked for Moazami.

When they got there, Moazami allegedly seized a bag carrying a small dog that he had given the young woman, Darby said.

Moazami allegedly put his foot on the dog’s neck, threatening to kill it if the young woman didn’t go back to work for him, the court heard. Frightened, she refused and left.

About two months later, the young woman quit prostitution for good, and sought help at a shelter.

Ten other alleged victims, some of whom were as young as 14 years old when they worked for Moazami, are expected to testify later at his trial.


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  • Something has to be done about this. Before 1995, the FCC had a law in place that REQUIRED that anything to do with anything political like with respect to any laws being changed HAD to have OPPOSING viewpoints before any TV shows, magazine articles, radio interviews, etc., could be published, written and/or produced. So when Joe Conforte wanted to bring legal brothels to California in the 1980's - he couldn't appear on TV, do a radio interview, or even have a magazine article printed unless he had an "opposing" view alongside him. Now I didn't really oppose him on many things - but he couldn't get the air time without having an "opposing" view. So I agreed to go on these appearances and interviews so they could be done. Now when I would go on these talk shows, be interviewed, etc., I made a point of bringing along with me men and women (to show this was not a female issue) and I would bring along someone who was trafficked as well as someone who wasn't. I just brought on people who had quit the sex industry - but I tried to have as many different stories on as possible to show that our members were very different also and that this was okay. I would bring on someone who had a pimp and someone who loved doing sex work but quit to have kids or who got HIV or something like that. Now when I was speaking out in the 1980's saying that there were domestic trafficking victims in this country who needed help and needed to have services offered to them instead of being arrested - I was not saying this was universal to all sex workers. What happened took me a while to figure out - but it soon became clear. Ms. Hunt (the family upon which the show Dallas is based on) blamed the demise of her marriage on prostitutes. She wanted to wipe out every prostitute in this country. But she knew if she went on to the media and tried to wipe out all prostitution she'd just be laughed at. So what did she do? BRILLIANT MEDIA CAMPAIGN. Let's convince everyone in America that ALL prostitutes are trafficking victims and need "our help". Let's get everyone who even sees a prostitute standing on a corner or standing in front of a massage parlor to call the National Trafficking Hotline and report a "victim" not a prostitute. Let's get every trucker who sees a prostitute to call the National Trafficking Hotline and turn them in for "help". They have completely brainwashed the general public that when they see a prostitute = they are seeing a "victim". How do I know this? When they were filming the Katie Couric show I suddenly found that after 20 YEARS of doing TV interviews on this subject as the "go to expert" on this topic BECAUSE I CREATED IT - I'm not allowed on a show about a topic I CREATED? How could that be? How could they have a show on alcoholism without having Bill Wilson on the show? So I watched the show - and they literally had everyone on the panel, Katie, the audience, they said "if you see a woman standing on the corner prostituting - she's a victim of trafficking not a prostitute". If you look at Rachel Moran's facebook page - they are going up to the UN trying to actually wipe out the word "sex work" and call it "trafficking". Do you know they have actually told people that they can't call our hotline or even speak to us because by having the name of our group be "Sex Workers Anonymous" that we are LEGITIMIZING SEX TRAFFICKING and that there's "no such thing as sex work because all prostitution is rape". I'm a fan of Noam Chomsky and he says you win a war by controlling language - and that's what they are doing here. They have done panels and films and lectures and workshops all over this country where people from our group are banned from even being in the audience - because we will not agree with them that all sex work is rape. You saw in February how UNLV brought on Bamboo Bridges and Chong Kim to speak about "trafficking in Nevada" but CHONG LIVES IN TEXAS AT THE TIME and she DOESN'T EVEN WORK WITH TRAFFICKING VICTIMS IN NEVADA. But I do and I live in Vegas - but I wasn't even invited to attend? Why is that? Because I'm not standing on the stage saying all "prostitution is rape" and "all prostitutes are victims". When the FCC changed the laws in 1995 no longer requiring people to have opposing viewpoints to be heard - now we are seeing the propaganda machine operating. They are trying to pass laws in all 50 states right now that if a woman "identifies" her "trafficker" she will receiving housing, school, therapy, daycare, transportation, medical - but if she refuses she's thrown in jail. I don't know about you but I see a lot of hookers making false accusations right now against people to save their own ass. Because how are you going to stand there and tell the whole legal system you don't have a pimp and you aren't trafficked? I watched as the documentaries came out on MSNBC where they were showing group after group I've never heard of who are claiming to help "trafficking victims" and they are all connected with the National Trafficking Hotline - but they REFUSED to include our group which is older, larger, and more established with more members than any group they filmed. That made no sense to me. So I started calling every single group they featured in these so called "documentaries". I come to find out each and every single one of them is connected with law enforcement which is connected with Polaris' National Trafficking Hotline - who again is giving out referrals to groups that are a month old with two people on staff over our program which has been around since 1987 and we have 1000's of members worldwide. Then I noticed I was not alone. They weren't including Children of the Night either. They weren't including GEMS or Boys Town or Covenant House either. It wasn't just me they were excluding - they were excluding any group that would not (1) connect to law enforcement to force their clients to prosecute a pimp and (2) state that all sex work is really rape. What I mean by that is that Children of the Night, Covenant House, GEMS, Boys Town - they will not kick out a prostitute if they refuse to prosecute their pimp and neither will our program. But after calling every program shown in this so called "documentary" I found that each of those programs they featured would. So they are creating a whole system where everyone is agreeing that they are a "victim". If they don't agree - they are either thrown out into the street, or they are arrested and their lives are ruined. They are also making damn sure these prostitutes don't know about groups like ours - because they want to terrorize them into thinking they have no choice. I know for a fact that Project Rose is telling these women they will go to jail if they don't completely the program and at the same time they are not telling them about any other programs that will not require them to prosecute their pimp to get help - making them think it's "their" way or the "highway". Unbelievably - I had the Dept. of Victim Services tell me that "my credentials" weren't "sufficient" to be on their "board of experts" IN A FIELD I CREATED! Are you kidding me? Again it's like telling Bill Wilson he's not enough of an expert on alcoholism to be on the board of the National Council on Alcoholism! Again, this field and movement was created by Linda Lovelace and myself for the victims who did need help instead of jail - and these people just twisted it into a money machine and also a machine where if you don't play "victim" they crush you. I've had these people get ahold of our members and I swear to God it's like they are brainwashing them. I talked to a woman who was trying to quit prostitution but she was having trouble finding work because of her criminal arrest. Everywhere she went - she was having trouble with her arrest record showing up. In a tight economy - they're going to hire someone without a record. So she's having to prostitute because she's got to pay the bills until she can figure out how to expunge her record. But these people got ahold of her and suddenly she's "a victim" and this and that and they're paying her rent, and giving her a car and paying for her schooling - but she has to say she's a "victim of trafficking" to get it - so guess what she's going to suddenly believe she is? I used to be a madam and they are now convincing people that this was the same as a pimp? Give me a break. But their media campaign is working. They now are convinced that they have to go onto every porn set for example now and force these performers into wearing condoms because they think they are being forced not to against their will. Funny thing is - that i checked with SAG and when they make "regular' sex scenes in regular movies - they are not required to use the same health restrictions. So this is clearly isn't about the health of the actor or they would be applying this to any sex scene being filmed - not just the porn industry shoots. They know that the regular church going people are not going to listen to them in the sex industy. Hell you still can't even get a rape conviction for raping a prostitute in this country yet - they don't listen to sex workers. So when they come out and say they are not all trafficking victims - they are ignored. I saw on the AB1576 how the porn performers were pushed out into the hallway and then the bill pushed on to the Senate anyway despite all those people standing there clearly refuting this bill. They were ignored just as sex workers are ignored. The only group they listened to in the 1980's was the "ex" prostitutes in our program of Sex Workers Anonymous - but I can't get anyone from the sex industry to even sit down and have a cup of coffee with me. I can't get SWOP or Red Umbrella, or the Porn Advocates or Kink or Michael Whiteacre or anyone from the sex industry to even sit down with me to figure out a game plan. I saw this in Nevada last year with the "human trafficking" bills they were trying to push through there. They did the same thing and they won. Landslide they won and very harmful bills to sex workers was passed. They are going to keep getting these bills passed as long as the FCC does not require opposing viewpoints to be heard - and as long as I can't get anyone from the sex industry to sit down and talk about uniting as a front. As long as they can keep the sex industry sectioned off as just the sex industry - they aren't going to be listened to and these people are to keep getting ignored. http://www.sexworkersanonymous.com

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