Taking Anti-HIV Meds Prior to Exposure May Help Prevent Infection

Everyday I read roughly 10-15 HIV/Aids articles. And everyone of them forgets to mention porn as high risk. Guess AHF…


Only 10 per cent of us have an ‘extremely’ satisfying sex life

“Canadian women make do with mediocre sex lives” is the disheartening conclusion of a new survey that quizzed 29,000 people…


AHF’s Ballot Drive Targets an Imaginary Public Health Issue

In a continuing effort to mandate the use of condoms on adult production sets, AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) has announced…


Sex Trafficking Charities Caught Lying And Stealing Money

Recently the Village Voice exposed the Schapiro Group, a private consulting firm in Georgia, and the Women’s Funding Network of…


F@*K Instagram Its Not For Porners Or Their Fans

I typically don't do the whole boycott thing. I eat tuna even tho dolphins die in the nets and if…


South Africa: Young Virgins Being Kidnapped, Forced To Marry Old HIV+ Men To ‘Cure’ Them

Innocent young girls are being 'kidnapped' and forced to 'marry' older HIV-positive men because of the myth that having sex…


After Kim Dotcom Asks for Defense Evidence, FBI Claims MegaUpload Had Child Porn

MegaUpload founder Kim Dotcom has found himself in the legally surreal position of demanding that he be provided the evidence…


Symantec Claims That Blogs Spread More Malware Than Porn Websites

In what seems to be a very strange yet interesting report, Internet Security Company Symantec has listed Blogs and Web…


UFC Ring Girl/Former Playmate Arrested For Domestic Violence

The leading lady of UFC has been jailed for domestic violence. Arianny Celeste, who has appeared on the cover of…


Sex toy sparks police seige in Telford

ARMED cops were left red-faced after being called out to a man wielding a SEX TOY, the Sunday Mercury can…