Melissa Rivers Dating XXX Porn King

Out of all the chicks this dude has access to, and he picks this ugly skank... FROM TMZ Joan Rivers'…


Stuart Lawleys Hypocrisy Knows no Bounds

Explain this to me like I'm 6 years old. If DOTXXX isnt gonna allow "blatant cybersquatting" like CNBC.XXX then why…


A Sad Day In The Stalking World

Every morning I get up, grab the iPad and sit on the toilet. While there relaxing with my thoughts, I…


She Has Been Served: Shelley Lubben Served Temporary Restraining Order

Today, after weeks of successfully dodging service of process, Shelley Lubben of Pink Cross Foundation was served with a restraining…


Veena Malik gets death threats in Pakistan nude cover shoot row

Source: Guardian World News Actor in airbrushing row after appearing to wear only a tattoo spelling initials of Pakistani spy…


Durex CSD500: The Magical Condom

Okay, perhaps 'magical' is somewhat embellished...or is it? From Nerve.com Has Durex finally come up with the magic, prophylactic bullet?…


Michigan Universities Buy Up XXX Domains To Protect Their Names

By David Jesse, Education Writer The Detroit Free Press As a red light district forms this year in cyberspace using…


Words Of Wisdom

Julie is always the voice of reason. She's a great person who's only crime in life is making friends with…


Wanna Have Ass Sex With A Horse? Join the Army

WASHINGTON — Recently passed Senate legislation would make sodomy and sex with animals legal under military law, ending long-standing prohibitions…


Lindsay Lohan Playboy Cover (Leaked)?

I truly doubt the was a accident, almost like how every year when the new iphone comes out, its accidentally…