Call for Submissions for East Bay Express short erotic film fest

Briefs is the East Bay Express’ Erotic Shorts Film Competition showcasing works by amateur and professional filmmakers. The one night screening will allow filmmakers who have explored the limits of erotic entertainment to engage attendees in a liberating experience.

Submission Deadline is January 13th, 2014

Screening Date is February 13th, 2014 at the Grand Lake Theatre, Oakland

$12 Tickets will be available in January 2014 at renaissancerialto.com
The Prizes Judges Pick $500, Audience Pick $1000.00

Submission Guidelines Filmmaker registration requires: 6 Minute Maximum length on films, All filmmaker contact information (email, phone, website, etc.), Run time of Film, Synopsis, Screen shot, hard copy or Vimeo for consideration. (Please note: East Bay Express asks for the 2257 model releases for each performer.)

To register your film (must fill out all 3 forms below) or get more information email: Briefs.Erotic@EastBayExpress.com

  • 2014 Briefs Eligibility & Release Form
  • 2257 Release 2014 Briefs Form
  • East Bay Express Agreement & Release Form

Mailing address for submissions:
East Bay Express

Attention: Marie Ortega
620 3rd Street, Oakland, CA 94607

Accepted films will be notified by January 24th, 2014. Accepted films will require the following technical requirements for screening copies: Entries must be Quick Time H264 File size 1280 x 720 or smaller. 29.97 frames per second are preferred. Audio: 48k, 16 bit, Stereo. Codec H264. HD Note: All HD films will be letterboxed in the final mix. Requirements for SD (4:3): A QuickTime File 720 x 486 Audio: 48k, 16 bit, Stereo Codec H264.

Accepted filmmakers are strongly encouraged to promote their films and attendance at the screening.

  • Twitter hash tag sharing: #briefs2014films
  • Face book event page: facebook.com/briefseroticshorts

Filmmakers accepted will receive two complimentary tickets to the screening on February 13th, 2014. Additional tickets to the screening can be purchased for $12 each.


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