Classic Adult Films, Newly Remastered in HD, Now Available Exclusively at HotMovies

HotMovies.com, home to the largest collection of adult films on the web, are now offering the exclusive VOD debut of remastered classic films from the Golden Age of Porn. After considerable work and expense, these wonderful artifacts of adult movie history have been restored and remastered in stunning HD, and are available exclusively at HotMovies.com.

“These films were popular when we released them in standard definition, twenty years after their initial release. It only makes sense they should be upgraded to High Definition,” says Mike Kennedy, editorial manager for HotMovies.com. “I think the copyright owners recognize there is a demand for these remastered classics, but it is an expensive gamble to remaster these films. We’re glad they’re willing to take that risk!”

HotMovies.com has long been the exclusive VOD distributor for Command Cinema, who have been re-releasing several of their films in HD format. Standard Digital has begun offering Taboo I and Taboo II in HD. Distrib-X released several remastered top-selling films like Barbara Broadcast and The Opening of Misty Beethoven. Vinegar Syndrome is known industry-wide for their work in remastering classic films.

HotMovies.com has now signed a deal with classic film distributor Erotica Film Channel, who have remastered classic films from renowned directors like Tinto Brass and Radley Metzger. “For years we have been looking for a platform to show digitally our more risque titles” says Nico B of Erotica Movie Channel, “HotMovies is the only channel to show anything explicit.”

With such a substantial library of remastered classic films, HotMovies.com has been able to create an entire category dedicated to “Remastered Classics” for these high demand films.

You can see the entire list of over 200 films here: https://www.hotmovies.com/category/956/Classics-Remastered-in-HD/

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