Did Mike South’s High End Security System Help Him Dodge Legal Service For 2 Months ??

Mike South: Ladies Man

For those that missed yesterdays post, Mike South, legal name Michal Thomas Strother was sued recently for defamation.

South’s site has been built on a foundation of lies so it was only a matter of time before someone sued him.. If South wasn’t so broke it would of probably happened sooner..After all, a lawsuit against South, even with the facts on the plaintiffs side, will cost more then its worth..Unless of course someone decided to sue him on principle alone..Someone tired of this big mouth bullshit artist lying at will without a care in the world .

As I’ve said many times, If South lived in LA he wouldn’t write 99% of the shit he writes.. If he did, they would find his old wrinkly body washed up on a beach somewhere… South can be only South from the safety of his little condo in Georgia.


So I got to looking at the filings on the suit and noticed that the suit was filed on Sept 8th..

But he wasn’t served until last week.  The court website was updated today to show service..



Why did it take 2.5 months for service?

I contacted a process server, totally unrelated to this case, and asked him if how long it normally would take for service.. He told me the longest he’s taken to serve someone was 6 weeks. The person wouldn’t open the door and the lawyer was adamant about in hand service..

Could it be the guy who accused everyone of hiding from his lawyers was in fact hiding himself???   I’ve always pegged South as a scared little bitch, hiding in his home pissing in a cup.

Check out Mike South’s sophisticated security system:


Did you know you can pay an UBER driver to take pictures for you?

I wonder how long it took Mike to put that system in?  He should put a sign in his grass like his neighbors did:

“This property protected by radio shack and a coupon”..

Poor Mike South…


Much much more coming very soon..

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  • What a POS this asshole is. He is all over a local Atlanta Hooker directory posing as a baller soliciting as a "major league Porn director" specializing in gang bangs unprotected pussy parties in his mother's condo while she rots left to die in a old folks home.
    Mickey Mouth South then gets all these nasty ass blue collar workers on the public dole and food stamps to pay $100 to be a porn star for the day. He tells the poor girl who just been gang raped by old men then told to say they all submitted to a home HIV test kit from the local CVS store, however there was not even any test whatsoever.
    Meet local scum bag Micheal Thomas Strother failed Pimp pervert. Somebody report him to the HOA and local police. Shooting Porn in Atlanta is illegal as is pimping. No wonder he was so anti Prop 60
    He was in hopes of porn valley running to Atlanta
    many more should sue his wrinkly ass

  • Half of his sources are in his own head Most likely a judge would look at the absurdity of his blog posts and be like how can than idiot defame anyone?

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