Plush Owner Scott Ohanian Allegedly Sexually Assaulted 2 Of His Models was the original title of this piece. As soon as it went up I was contacted by one of the girls in the screencap.
When the girl in question called me at 8:18pm, I told her to text me her version so nothing gets lost along the way. She said ok she would do it “right now”. Her first text didn’t come in until 9:36pm.. I found this rather odd since she was so adamant about correcting my story. Below is one of her texts to me:
I’ve been speaking with dreanwalker since the beginning of my career. He had been promoting me, asking me how my day was, etc. Always being polite.
So, when Scottie and I had gotten into a fight and dreanwalker had contacted me and asked me how my day was, I told him that I was fighting with my agent.
He told me that I could go work for foxx, was name dropping quite a bit (claiming ro be friends with soeigler, mike south, holly randall, and that he is a part of the adult union) and that he can get me work with Playboy plus. I told him that I was under contract and he had told me that I can get out of my contract if I were to say that my agent had sexually assaulted me and that I was afraid for my life.
I told him no, I was not going to do that. Once I told him no, that is when he became aggressive. He began threatening me saying that if I didn’t leave plush for foxx that he would out me to my friends and family on Facebook. He did. He outed me and sent clips from my face fucking
The series of texts seemed to be more about the guy who outed her versus the sexual assault claim. In her words, when it was suggested to her, she said “I told him no, I was not going to do that”.. If that’s the case, why did 2 other girls hear her make the sexual assault claim?
Keep in mind Scott has been threatening ‘Dreamwalker’ with lawsuits for the last 4 days because he’s been trying to get the girl to file charges. Now im not gonna go as far as to say Scott coached the girl who called me, but if the intent was to clear up the sexual assault allegation she failed. Instead It was an essay Dreamwalker. Which was what Scott wanted me to do in the first place.
I don’t like people outing girls for porn, but even more, I hate girls who scream rape then recant. From all I can gather, based on her texts, and the below screencaps, something happened between Scott and her..Why would she tell Dreamwalker in the last screencap “I appreciate your concerns, however Im not pressing charges”? You would think if she told him NO, then pressing charges would never be an issue.
The names in these screen caps have been blurred to protect the identity of the people involved..One thing is clear, there was a claim of sexual assault with discussions about going to the police. Looking at the screens it seems that this happened to more then one girl. At the time of this writing no charges have been filed..After my story went up, the other girl contacted me to say she meant, She had been assaulted before, but NOT by Scott..
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