Escorts Recruited Via Facebook, Teen Claims

by CP

KAMLOOPS, B.C. – An escort agency in Kamloops, B.C., Canada, is under fire over allegations it was contacting teenage girls through Facebook as part of a recruiting effort.

A 17-year-old girl said Tuesday that she and several of her friends were contacted on Facebook by Angels After Dark, an agency that boasts the hottest escorts in Kamloops.

The girl — who wants to remain anonymous — said she didn’t respond but that when some of her friends did, the agency asked if they were underage.

When they said yes, the agency asked if they had any legally aged friends who wanted to make up to $500 a day.

“I posted a status just asking has anyone else been poked or messaged. And I immediately got, like, five or six girls saying yeah, they poked me and more friends even saying, like, they got messaged personally.”

“I told my Mom about it and asked what’s an escort service and she immediately became aware and worried about it. Like, why me, I’m 17 years old and I don’t really want to see that stuff.”

While the company’s website is still up, its Facebook profile has been taken down and no one from the agency would comment.

A Kamloops city official said there’s no record of Angels After Dark having a business licence so the agency would be operating illegally.

Planning and development manager Randy Lambright said such agencies usually don’t have business addresses and often operate under the radar from out-of-town locations.

“We’ve tried to appeal to get some assistance, not necessarily to go after … some of these escort agencies to gain compliance with the business license bylaw. We’ve had almost zero luck.” [CFJC]

A recent statement, posted on the website, reads:

Recently, Angels After Dark has received media attention regarding our actions on facebook. We maintain that we DO NOT recuit or hire under aged persons. It is quite unfortunate that our actions on facebook has lead to these serious allegations. Being an adult services oriented business, it is not enough to follow facebook’s and other social media’s acceptable use policy. Angels After Dark is reviewing our acceptable use of social media policy and we will make changes to ensure that this situation does not happen again.

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