Evolved Novelties Featured On Nalpac’s Newest ‘Dicks with Don’ Masturbation May Webisode

America’s leading adult distributor, Nalpac (www.nalpac.com), has released the latest webisode of their award-winning web series ‘Dicks with Don’ celebrating Masturbation May with products from Evolved Novelties.

Dicks with Don features senior Nalpac buyer and 17-year veteran Don Zerilli, breaking down the top items for retailers and consumers. In the first in-person ‘Dicks With Don’ webisode back since Covid, Burt from Evolved Novelties joins Don to talk about Evolved Novelties products perfect for Masturbation May. Don and Burt suit up in their fashionable hazmat suits to show off some butt stuff and give some wellness tips. Nalpac has partnered with Evolved Novelties for Masturbation May, offering customers a discount across the entire product catalog from Evolved for the month of May.

“I always love shooting the episodes, but this one was especially great because it was the first time in over a year we’ve been able to shoot something all together in the studio. Doing anything with Burt is always a great time, but being in full hazmat sharing the inflatable Shape Shifter with our audience was a perfect way to get back into the series and share some butt tips with our viewers,” said Zerilli.

Featured in this episode is the Zero Tolerance Shape Shifter. The Shape Shifter is a remote-controlled, vibrating, inflatable plug made of medical-grade silicone. The Shape Shifter can inflate up to two inches in diameter. Burt also becomes Don’s first student in the new Wellness Moment segment. The Wellness Moment highlights the educational aspect of anal play with a quick anatomy lesson and academic physical exercise.

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