Mexican Supreme Court Effectively Legalizes Same-Sex Marriage - Printable Version

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Mexican Supreme Court Effectively Legalizes Same-Sex Marriage - trpwl - 06-15-2015 10:14 AM

Mexican Supreme Court Effectively Legalizes Same-Sex Marriage

MEXICO CITY — His church turned him away, his family discouraged him from a public fight and the government of the state where he lives vowed it would never happen. But it did. Hiram Gonzalez married his boyfriend, Severiano Chavez, last year in the northern state of Chihuahua, which, like most Mexican states, technically allows marriage only between a man and a woman. More on same-sex marriage rulings across the globe Mr. Gonzalez and dozens of other gay couples in recent months have, however, found a powerful ally: Mexico’s Supreme Court. In ruling after ruling, the court has said that state […]