How Do You Know When You’re A Failure? Ask Desi Foxx

You’re a failure when you can’t get more than two people to sign one of your petitions…LMAO

Guess who the other person is that signed it. Guess. Yep. How fucking pathetic can you be when you can’t even get 5 people to sign a petition? Change.org is like a pop-up ad for porn: every time you sign something, they put three more things in front of you.

I would think that just by the laws of probability, after 14 days someone would sign it out of pure, “I feel sorry for her.” But Desi can’t even get a sympathy signature. In fact, Desi, you’re so far down the food chain, you can’t even get the fake people that hate you to sign it. Like Foster, half of her 60 signatures were “Monica is a whore” or “Monica has AIDS” — you can’t even get a “Desi sucked a dick with her daughter.” lol

Desi Foxx Helping Her Teen Daughter Get Undressed Before They Fuck Someone Together

Come on. Wanna talk about kids? Let’s look at yours. Ex-porn talent, brothel worker at the Bunny Ranch – turned dog groomer. One has to wonder when the animal lover came into play…before or during porn? Am I gonna find a video of you and her with someone’s beloved Spot out in the yard? I would think you of all people would NEVER bring up others kids. Do you really think anyone believes your anti porn schtick?

You’re the one WHO WENT INTO PORN TO BE CLOSER TO HER KID. You’re the one who went on the road with your kid to PROMOTE PORN. You’re the one who, when porn didn’t work out, started yourself and your daughter fucking clients for money.

I’m lost. Which porn person brainwashed you into doing that? Was it the same person who pimped Monica? Oh wait…we don’t really know if that happened since Monica doesn’t really know.

So, you get out of porn. Did you get a job? I mean like at WalMart? No. You started turning tricks. Nothing against escorting; that isn’t my point. The point is, once you were all used up, once the pussy was juiced out, once menopause hit and your vagina was like a dry slip ‘n slide…THEN and ONLY THEN did you become anti-porn. LOL You’re a fucking joke. That’s why you can’t get anyone you know to sign your petition…

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  • I've got some more really interesting stuff coming on Grama Desi. Did you know she is counseling via email, men with porn addictions?

  • Monica and ms fox are mad because they didn't make it in porn and they rather shut the industry then see anyone succeed in it.if Monica got more work like misty did in not the crosbys she would still be sucking dicks on camera now.and desi was at the bottom of the barrel when she walked on a pornset with her daughter.anytime you can make the porn industry cringe that means you are just disgusting

  • From: Michael Weinstein
    Sent: Friday, April 16, 2010 12:10 PM
    To: Brian Chase
    Subject: RE: Porn Actress in Florida

    Press-wise would it be confusing to sue both AIM and the employer at the same time?

    From: Brian Chase
    Sent: Friday, April 16, 2010 10:44 AM
    To: Michael Weinstein?
    Subject: Porn Actress in Florida

    Hey Michael,

    Dee Grandmaison is the former adult film actress who now works with the Florida Coalition Against Human Trafficking. She is the one who is willing to be a plaintiff against AIM.

    We may also be able to help Dee sue her former employer directly. The California Private Attorney General law gives employees pretty broad power to sue for breached labor laws - and under some circumstances it allows a single employee to sue on behalf of other employees to recover huge fines (most of which end up being paid to the state). Dee worked for JM Productions, which is a prolific studio that churns out very unsafe gonzo porn. The owner is a real scumbag and he is very outspoken. He would make a great villain. If we can go after JM we could highlight a very unsafe workplace, and possibly get some $$$ for the bankrupt state government.

    Dee and her daughter worked with some of the talent agents we complained against yesterday. We might want to have them file complaints as well.

    Can we fly Dee out here, or can I fly to Florida to visit her? I think we need to have a face-to-face meeting in the near future.


    Brian Chase
    Assistant General Counsel
    AIDS Healthcare Foundation


    RE: Grandmason Per Diem

    From: Michael Weinstein
    Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 2010 10:24 AM
    To: Brian Chase
    Cc: Mimi Mihaylov

    This is approved

    From: Brian Chase
    Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 2010 9:57 AM
    To: Michael Weinstein
    Subject: Grandmason Per Diem

    Hey Michael,

    I just needed an e-mail from you confirming that we would like to pay Diana Grandmason a $50 per diem for her last trip out here.



    Brian Chase
    Assistant General Counsel
    AIDS Healthcare Foundation


    RE: Quick question

    From: Michael Weinstein

    Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2011 3:37 PM
    To: Whitney Engeran

    This is fine.

    From: Whitney Engeran
    Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2011 3:06 PM
    To: Michael Weinstein
    Subject: Quick question

    Want to touch base with you about two things for the hearing next week.....

    Shelley Lubben two hotel rooms for folks for one night?
    And Diana Grandmason from FL to testify?

    I think that they both are important for this, we want to pull out all the stops, but wanted to make sure to check with you,



    Whitney Engeran-Cordova
    Senior Director of Public Health
    AIDS Healthcare Foundation


    Re: Actual AIM Test Positive HIV Results Posted on a Pornstar on PornWikiLeaks
    From: Michael Weinstein
    Sent: Saturday, June 11, 2011 3:51 PM
    To: Miki Jackson
    Cc: AHF Advocacy

    How do we handle this in terms of the press? Can we reach out to her? Should we put out a statement decrying the abuse of confidentiality while also saying that it is new proof of the need for action NOW by the state, county and city?

    Sent from my iPad

    From: Dee Grandmason
    Sent: Saturday, June 11, 2011 08:01 AM
    To: Brian Chase
    Subject: Actual AIM Test Positive HIV Results Posted on a Pornstar on PornWikiLeaks


    It's on the front page of the website and was posted yesterday. It's
    of a pornstar who tested positive for HIV. It shows the result as well
    as all her personal information. It's an actual test result paper.

    They just outed someone else who got HIV.


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