New prostitution laws could be ‘disincentive’ for clients to report underage sex workers

One of the lead detectives in the teen pimping investigation wants men who purchase women for sex sex from women to ensure they are over 18 and are willing participants, but an advocate for sex workers warns doing so might put johns in an legal quandary.

After the ringleader of the teen pimping ring was sentenced last week as an adult, Ottawa police Det. Carolyn Botting said men need to start talking to other men about the purchase of sex.

“I think you have to do more than ask a person their age. You need to check identification,” said Botting in an interview with Metro on Wednesday.

Det. Carolyn Botting, left, and Det. Kelly Lyle

“If people took steps to ensure that people were consensual and over the age of 18, and they were behaving in a lawful fashion, things would be different and safer for…people who choose to work in this industry.”

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  • Want to solve all these problems at one time and make life better for everyone? Decriminalize sex work. It's an idea too rational to catch on in the loony-goon climate of debate around the whole issue but it's still the right idea.

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