Of Course There’s Porn on Pinterest

If you look closely, among the shopping and fashion pins, Pinterest has lots and lots of porn — it is an Internet site, after all. BuzzFeed’s John Herman brought our attention to this pornification of Pinterest, with its cheeky nod to the type of porn the type of social network like Pinterest has attracted: Infinite Porns of Pinterest, which presents a list of 33 types of not-so-naked porn found on the newish social network: Food Porn, Word Porn, Robert Downey Jr. Porn, etc. “To a person with a Pinterest account, everything looks like porn,” Herman writes. (Pinterest users play into their stereotypes, get it!) But, there’s also the other kind of porn, on there. The kind that doesn’t match the middle-America shopping girl image we have of Pinterest users.

From what we can tell, porn on Pinterest falls into three categories,. The safe for work stuff Herman listed, which reclaims the word “porn” to mean the glamorized visual representation of something, like “hair porn,” for example. Naked images, which the pinner insists are tasteful art, like this pinboard from House of XY that has one shirtless beefy man grabbing the crotch of another shirtless beefy man.

Or this Sexy Mammals board, which features lots of boobs. And, run of the mill naked-sex porn, like this Japanese Porn Star board, which links to videos of Japenese girls having sex.

The first and second variants are far easier to find than the latter, possibly because of Pinterest’s Acceptable Use Policy, which outlaws “objectionable” pins from the site. Or, maybe it does have something to do with the midwestern nice-girl reputation the site has gotten itself.

The pornification of Pinterest, in all of its forms, makes sense considering the general trajectory the site has followed. As Pinterest has evolved it has gone through a sort of Tumblrization. First, it was with Pinterest-y single serving sites like, Traders With Two Phones. Then, Tumblr’s anorexia problem migrated to Pinterest. Now, we get the porn.

“Tumblr is rich with dirty pictures,” wrote Gawker’s Ryan Tate last fall, when he discovered the dirtier side of the blogging network. Wherever there’s a visual platform, porn will follow. But, the parallel goes deeper than that.

“Tumblr’s porn, like the rest of its blogs, tends toward the well designed and smartly curated, particularly in comparison to the flashing, browser exploding mess you’ll find elsewhere on the web,” he continues. “We’d totally click “FOLLOW” on some of this stuff!” Pinterest’s porn also matches its overall aesthetic. All those dessert porn pinboards and beautiful artsy naked women fit right in with the dessert pinboards not labeled “food porn” and beautiful artsy clothed women.

It doesn’t look like Pinterest has as much of the hardcore porn stuff as Tumblr. A quick Google of “Tumblr porn” surfaces a bunch of x-rated stuff. It took a bit of digging to find the porniest stuff on Pinterest. The blog platform has been around a bit longer and it hasn’t cracked down on the stuff, really.

If Pinterest opts to take the Tumblr route, as it did with the pro-ana stuff, maybe we’ll see a proliferation of raunchier content. Or, maybe Pinterest will continue playing into the image we’ve created for it and we’ll just get more artistic conceptions of naked women. Either way, porn on Pinterest is here to stay.

Source. The Atlantic Journal

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