These are the types of stories that make me chuckle. This makes me think of Rick Madrid. I picture him making love to a disabled homeless lady he met behind the 7-11, then, using horrible broken Spanish mixed with retard, he asks her to drop a deuce on his face..She blinks twice for NO, but he says its ok because planned parenthood says so ..
Just because the folks at Planned Parenthood don’t really do mammograms with the tax dollars they get doesn’t mean they’re not experts in some things. Take, for example, the Planned Parenthood counselor who told what she thought was a 15-year-old girl about the sexy side of defecating.
Pro-life advocacy group Live Action released a second investigative video on July 15 showing what Planned Parenthood “counselors” teach minors in the name of “sex-ed”: sexual bondage and sadomasochism, and steering them to sex stores to “get educated.” In the latest video, a Colorado counselor told the Live Action investigator (posing as a minor) that “sexual exploration is normal” – and went so far as to suggest defecating and urinating on men as an option. Really. Only conservative media found the film worth reporting. Video Below.
According to the counselor, “sexual exploration” is “normal” and “can be really fun.” For ideas to imitate, she referenced “50 Shades of Grey” as well as porn. She even offered some creative techniques of her own: “There are so many different fetishes out there” she stressed. “Like, some guys like for women to urinate on them” or “pooping.”
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