While I was busy drafting arguably 3 of the greatest fantasy football teams in the history of fantasy football I received this email:
From: Plush Talent LLC <info@plushtalent.com>
Date: August 28, 2016 at 5:33:16 PM EDT
To: Redactedc@gmail.com, XXXXXX@gmail.com
Cc: “Neal J. Sampat” <nsampat@sampatlaw.com>, Kelli Roberts Cell <klubkelli@gmail.com>, Plush Talent info@plushtalent.com>
Subject: Demand to cease and desistThis Email is sent by Plush Talent LLC Lic# TA-000213308 to the following People:
Neal Sampat of The Sampat Law Firm Retained Attorneys for Plush Talent LLC.
Kelli Roberts Plush Talent Publicist
N—Redacted Photography (954) 257-XXXX
This is a Demand to cease and desist all actions being made by REDACTEDREDCATED it has come to my attention you have been contacting Models contracted to Plush Talent LLC a licensed and bonded Modeling and Talent Agency Slandering both Scottie Platinum and Plush Talent LLC.
You have stated in written messages via Twitter that Plush Talent and Scottie Platinum are in your words “a Meth Head a Fraud a rapist a Money Launderer and just plain Psychotic” I have Screen Shots of this message and this makes it Tortuous interference of contract, liable Slander and Deformation.
Neal Sampat I would like this matter taken care of within the next 48 hours. REDACTED must be handled Legally in a court of law I wish to file legal suit for Tortuous interference of contract, liable Slander and Deformation of Character. Mr REDACTED has done this with at least 2 or 3 models that i am aware of. This needs to stop right away and all legal masseurs must be taken.
Kelli Roberts anything you can add would be must appreciated.
This is a Screen Shot from Twitter sent to Whitney Wright From REDACTED sent on 8/28/20616 1:13 pm pst
So after reading this very serious email, and drafting the Carolina D, I sent my own cease and desist to all the people included in the above email:
Since we are sending cease and desist emails,
Please advise your piece of shit coke head accused rapist client Scott Ohanian to stop sneaking into chicks beds when they’re asleep and diddling their vajaja without their consent
yours truly
Sean aka someone whose never raped anyone aka someone who doesn’t use coke
Anyone who has gotten one one of these retarded cease and desist emails remember, this is the same email sent to countless people.. Like Scott himself, this cease and desist is a joke.. This is a guy who cant even get enough cash together for an apartment, so unless he hired Mike South’s imaginary lawyer any email to you from Scott showed be laughed at then forwarded to me so I can laugh..
Look at it another way, NO ONE has talked more shit about Scott than me, where is my Cease & Desist? Oh thats right, fuck tard Scott knows that would only lead to me making even more fun of him…
My favorite part of the stupid email is “Neal Sampat I would like this matter taken care of within the next 48 hours” LOL
First, Neal would have to draft the complaint, then Neal would have to file the complaint, then Neal would have to get the person served. No, not like in a dance battle, a person would have to serve legal paperwork on the defendant. Then that person would have 20 days to file an answer, then they would have to get a court date, that would take months as nothing ever happens on the first setting..So that 48 hours has just turned into a year.. A whole lot of No means Yes and coke snorting would go in that year…
I cant wait to get my cease and desist letter…
From Neal
I have heard many stories of you raping girls and using cocaine. It will all be in the complaint.
My Reply
LOL You must me snorting the same shit the fucktard Scott is…You make this to easy..And remember, NO DOESN’T MEAN YES no matter what Scott tells you
From Neal
No worries. Read all about it in the complaint.
My reply
I cant wait..I like making fun of people like you,..just say no, drugs are bad….
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