Categories: Crime

Police: Man Put Porn On Best Buy Display TVs

After one of the countries biggest manhunts involving the FBI, Secret Service , DEA , Girl Scout Troop 46, and Best Buys Stock Room team the guy who put porn on the best buy tvs has turned himself in. See below:

GREENVILLE, S.C. — Greenville police said a man who they say is responsible for putting pornographic video up on televisions in a Best Buy store turned himself in after he saw himself in surveillance video on the news.

Investigators said that Robert Matthew Holden used a personal electronic device to stream pornography to several “smart TVs” that were on display in the Best Buy on Woodruff Road.

Police Holden and a woman were caught on surveillance video in the store in February.

Police said Holden was in the store on two days during which the images were discovered on the TV screens and a woman was spotted on the second day.

Investigators said they contacted the woman, and she will not be charged because she was not involved.

The arrest warrant said that the pornographic video was seen by several store employees, along with a man and his children, who were in the store at the time.

Holden, who is from Easley, is charged with disorderly conduct. He told police it was just a “prank” and he didn’t know it was a criminal act.

Greenville police said that they have gotten calls from national news organizations because the crime is a new one only possible because of recent developments in technology.

Read more: http://www.wyff4.com/news/30695171/detail.html#ixzz1pNkIGjC6

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