Resorts secretly records and sells unsuspecting couples’ sex tapes

According to myzimbabwe.co.zw, the anonymous former employee said the practice is predominantly done in Harare, but is slowly becoming more prevalent in most Bulawayo lodges and low class hotels.

The lodge owners, managers and/or staff are allegedly working with Nigerian men who pay as much as US$1000 for a week’s recordings

“The idea is being engineered by Nigerian business people who install the equipment in the rooms and capture unsuspecting clients in the act,” said the man.

In some cases the owners of the lodges are not aware of the existence of the cameras as the Nigerians work with unscrupulous managers and staff at the lodges.

Most of the low class city lodges offer rest rooms for $5 per hour during the day and about $15 for a night. These lodges are targeted by the Nigerians as most clients using them will be in the company of sex workers.

Some sex workers are allegedly part of the arrangement and deliberately engage in “classic moves” to ensure the best footage.



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