Returning to Work ? Somethings You Should Know: By Michael Fattorosi

September 3, 2012, Labor Day, ironically, is the day that the FSC/APHSS has determined to be the best day to return adult performers to a regular production schedule, a mere 10 days after receiving a prophylactic antibiotic shot to hopefully cure the syphilis outbreak in the industry. Now that the moratorium on production has been lifted, be safe and here’s some facts that you should know before you head off to set;

There are 9 performers in adult confirmed positive for syphilis as of today;

Syphilis may take up to 90 days to detect through testing with the average range being 21 days;

Once you test positive for syphilis you may always test positive for syphilis;

If you are receiving your test results through APHSS you may not know that you are working with another performer that previously tested positive for syphilis – the APHSS database only tells you whether someone is “cleared” to work;

There is a disagreement between APHSS and TTS as to the proper test to use to detect syphilis;

APHSS states that their test can detect syphilis at 14 days while TTS states two tests are necessary to detect it this quickly.

Only 300 performers opted to take the antibiotic shot;

Despite the moratorium on production, there were some production companies and agents that continued to book scenes;
Some performers continued to escort during the moratorium;

Condoms may not protect you from catching or spreading syphilis;

Treatment for syphilis may make birth control pills ineffective;

Often those with syphilis do not show any symptoms of the disease;

In the primary and secondary stages syphilis is very contagious;

If a performer’s off camera sex partner(s) were not treated it is possible to reinfect those that were treated;

An antibiotic shot is not a vaccine and a performer can be reinfected quite easily;

If you catch syphilis, receive treatment and then get reinfected it will require 1 shot a week for 3 weeks to cure it;

Having an open syphilis sore makes it 2 to 5 times more likely that you can transmit/contract HIV during sex.

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  • I commend Mr. Fattorosi for tackling this important matter, however I feel he gives short shrift to a THRESHOLD requirement of APHSS' response to the outbreak.

    Performers will be shown on APHSS database as 'available' to work under these circumstances:

    1) If they previously took the antibiotic treatment, they will be listed as 'available for work' 10 days after treatment AND HAVING A NEW CLEAN PANEL (meaning they also have to take a confirmatory test using the new 14-day test before they can be cleared through APHSS).

    2) If they did NOT take the antibiotic treatment, they will be listed as 'available for work' after HAVING A NEW CLEAN PANEL made at least 14 days after their last test for syphilis.

    No new clean panel and a performer is not 'available for work' under APHSS. Outbreak or not, henceforth, a performer must have two successive clean tests (with at least the latest of them being the TREP-Sure test) to be listed as 'available' on APHSS.

        • MW, You blew me off before. Now I'm going to blow you. We are going to settle things you and I, like we did when I was young. I challenge you to a duel good sir. If you decline my challenge we will have MW week at my blog. You won’t like my 15 readers knowing what I know you know that I know or how you know that I know that you know.

          • I accept your challenge, Fake Mike South. I reckon we should have a tug-o-war, with each side's team comprised of women under the age of 50 with whom we've had consensual sex NOT IN EXCHANGE FOR PAYMENT in the last year.

  • MW, I've been an insider since you were knee high to a bull frog. If y'all are bein' firm on the consensual and not paying for it part, then it will be Shelly Lubben and myself. I knew I should have taken Shelly up on her offer for a fivesome with Jan and Melanie. I hear Melanie's got a bush that'd remind me of my Meemaws. There's no way y'all would win then. I'm as nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.

    • I will canvas my sexual partners of the last year and announce my teammates shortly. Since we'll be substituting the trough of mud with a vat of cum extracted from porn valley mopes and hobos, I suspect you may wish to throw in the towel before the day of the event.

      But I'm kind of hoping you and Shelley won't...

      • What's taking so long MW? I finished in two shakes of a sheep's tail. I can count all my consensual sexual partners who meet your stated criteria* on my fingers. You must be scared as a cat at the dog pound.

        I'll just sit back and watch the sky because here at my vacation home it’s rainin’ so hard it sounds like a cow pissing on a flat rock.

        *I had to look that up. Thank heaven for ol' Merriam Webster.

  • If "Consensual Sexual Partners" includes mutual masturbation after sodomizing a hairless Bangladeshi orphan, who was teetering on the edge of puberty and consciousness, I guess I'm on Fake South's team.

    I'll bring the Dewars if Shelley brings the Xanax.

    Also, remember to wear cleats so we don't tumble to our demise after slipping on Shelley's piss flaps.

    • Alas, Michael, it has been more than once I have been caught with the barn door open. The last time was about a week ago, when the frank and one of the beans were in all their glory as I stumbled into the liquor store for a fresh bottle of 151.

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