Categories: Humor

Safe sex, and safe sets, for California’s porn industry

Measure B, the “safer sex” initiative on the November ballot, would require porn actors to wear condoms on adult film sets in Los Angeles County. Soon, look for more laws legislating responsible behavior in porn.

Source. LA Times

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  • One nice thing we saw from the syphilis outbreak was just how important performer health is to the industry. All production was stopped, performers were retested, & those who tested positive were treated. The incident is under control now, & the industry can learn from the situation. The testing procedure works, but if condoms are forced on set, people could rely on condoms instead of testing, and condoms are not 100% effective. Performers would be more at risk, & that's not acceptable. Performers should have the right to decide whether to wear condoms, they are the ones at risk. Their body, their choice.

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