She Has Been Served: Shelley Lubben Served Temporary Restraining Order

Today, after weeks of successfully dodging service of process, Shelley Lubben of Pink Cross Foundation was served with a restraining order at her new $480,000 home in Bakersfield, CA.

The details of the case have not been disclosed, but Lubben is called to appear in Superior Court on December 21, 2011 to argue why the restraining order issued against her last month by a Tulare County judge should not be made permanent.

Lubben is the founder and Executive Director of Pink Cross Foundation, a religious-based organization which, according to the group’s website, “offers hope, healing and support to adult industry workers.”

In October of this year, eyebrows were raised when a woman who had sought help from Pink Cross, former adult performer Michelle Avanti, came forward to claim mistreatment, and that Mrs. Lubben had shared prescription drugs and alcohol with her.

Mrs. Lubben has claimed to have been sober since 2000, saying “God told me He healed me” of all addictions and mental health issues.

Also this October, Mrs. Lubben’s brother took a public stand against her in a YouTube video, claiming that his sister’s account of her life “misrepresented actual events and intentionally omitted truths.”


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  • Porn Valley's second least favorite female douchebag (Shelley Lub-head) finally gets served with a restraining order. I wonder what she did to deserve this -- could it possibly have something to do with her attempting to shove her eight foot staff into some perceived enemy's buttinsky? :-) I thought Shelley was capable of a lot but if this restraining order stands it (along with her other crimes against humanity this year) almost takes the douchebag of the year award from Donkey Long and Tara Akinloser -- almost.

    In the spirit of the AVN awards, here are the nominees for douchebag of the year:

    1. Donkey Long (favorite to win) -- obvious reasons
    2. Tara Akinloser -- obvious reasons
    3. Shelley Lub-head -- well known reasons
    4. Max Hardcore -- abuse and rape of talent
    5. Jules Jordan -- distributing for the tube-site scum Brazzers
    6. Alec Helmy -- extorting money from people with .XXX
    7. Monica Foster -- encouraging people to kill Sean's son among other things

    • The TRO is for harassment. A pattern of harassment, in fact.

      Lubben lashes out in retaliation at all those who oppose her, or who betray the Legend of Shelley Lubben by revealing the face of the Gorgon that lies behind her Joker mask.

      Just like with her own brother -- she tried to blackmail him into silence when he began speaking out against her lies following her appearance on the Howard Stern Show last year. (See their Facebook message exchange from that time, reproduced in his YouTube video) He challenged her story, so she called him a traitor (although she never tells HIM he’s lying). OPPOSING HER was his sin. Challenging her is BLASPHEMY.

      This is the first (and least) of several forthcoming legal actions (of various types) against Shelley Lubben and her accomplices and co-conspirators at Pink Cross Foundation.

      She had a chance to back down, and stop lying, defaming, and vilifying people and groups. Out of mercy I offered her the opportunity to make things right, and begin the process of healing for herself and others. But she refused; too stubborn, crazy and vain to back down.

      Now the wheels are in motion, and it's too late for her to change her mind. The last bus from Jonestown just left.

      And she has no one but herself to blame.

      • Thanks for the information Michael. Shelley harassing people does not surprise me one bit. I do feel bad for whoever had to file for the restraining order, the receiving end of harassment is not fun by any means. Unfortunately with Shelley's mental illness she is truly out of control and with the loss of her main income (and a $480K mortgage to pay IIRC) she has finally went off the deep end and gone coco for cocoa puffs (as the commercial says)! I hope her brother can get a 5150 hold on her as soon as possible so she can repent for her sins and start on the road to sanity. Your video has all of the evidence I need to determine that Shelley is mentally ill (Seroquel is referenced in your video, not a drug that is recreationally useful and generally only given to those with infantile autism (very rare and certainly not Shelley), schizophrenia (more likely Shelley's problem), schizo-affective disorder or bipolar disorder/manic depression (another possibility for diagnosing Shelley)).

        Also, I do apologize if my eight foot staff remark was in poor taste. When something happens, I try to see the humor in it no matter what it is and it sometimes gets me in trouble as my sense of humor is somewhat crude.

  • Thankfully Michael Whiteacre got involved and really helped to expose Shelley and her fraud of a "charity". Thats not to say that other people who voiced their views against her and called out her BS were of no good....quite the opposite. But with Mr Whiteacre's first hand experience within in the porn industry, being familiar with the same area and surroundings that Shelley grew up in, his film/documentary making skills and ability to gain the trust of ex pink cross members, for them to go to him with their side of events.....this has all turned out to be a MUCH BETTER result than I was expecting some 3 years ago when critics of Shelley (like myself) did not really have the means or required experience to set up a platform that would get us heard in the way that Michael has managed to do.

    Sure I dont know him personally, and I have read plenty of posts, articles and comments from his detractors, but these issues and the people associated with them I dont have nearly enough knowledge about to comment on as they pertain to to areas of the porn industry I have never been interested in. But Shelley has used and abused the names of deceased performers that did work that catered to specific adult communities I was apart of some years ago. Maybe this makes me biased to a degree, but it was what really made me observe Shelley and her BS foundation much more closely. Thanks for the work you did (and currently still do) on this Michael. It was way more than I was ever hoping for.

    • Thank you. Shelley Lubben is a cancer on the world of honest, intelligent discourse. She is an opportunistic exploiter and fact rapist.

      She was most effective at being a bully -- intimidating those who discovered the REAL Shelley Lubben into silence -- but those days are gone. Once Michelle Avanti and Shelley's own brother spoke out, the avalanche began. The accounts I've heard since are all consistent, and consistently horrible.

      God help her miserable soul.

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