As if Shelley Lubben allegedly committing a felony by defacing the Vivid Corp headquarters wasn’t enough, now we get a look at her Pink Cross Foundation 2012 tax return.
Lubben claims to have brought in roughly $137,000 in total donations — which is down by around $44,000 from 2011. I’d like to think Whiteacre exposing her and her fake charity is part of the reason… Out of the $137,000 Shelley paid herself $60,000 roughly.. Basically around 45% of Pink Cross donations go straight into Shelley’s pocket. She not only takes 60 grand off the top, but according to her returns she only works 30 hours a Must be nice.
Shelley’s Non Profit showed a loss of around $9,000 bucks. $80,000 went to other expenses.
Shelley claims to have spent $8600 dollars in 2012 on phones. Or $716 a month. I have my phones thru Verizon, i have 5 lines, with 4 iphones w/data plans. My bill for the year is roughly $3240 dollars. I also have my store and my home wired with hardlines and net for $1920 on the year. My yearly deduction is right around $5100 bucks. With that being said, my kids are on my plan.
Shelley works out of her house. How does she have $716 dollars worth of phone bills per month? Are Pink Cross donations paying for Shelleys kids to have iPhones? Lubben would have to around 12 lines all with data plans to get to $700 bucks per month..
Shelley also claims to spend $5600 a year on her websites, or $466 bucks a month. Her sites are framed, not much different then WordPress. Shelley uses GoDaddy, the most expensive plan they have is $249 a month. Keep in mind, a dedicated server like that is what the big boys use. Not someone who gets 900 visits a day on 2 sites. Looking at Shelley’s traffic, she is probably spending around $80 a month for hosting. And that’s on the high end. Site updating can be had for $50 bucks a month on elance or she can get a standby guy for $100 a month out of her local phonebook.
Shelley says she spends $5720 or $476 dollars a month on Janitorial expenses??? WTF. Using Angie’s list the average price for maid service is $25.00 a hour. Lubben would have to have the maid come once a week for 4 hours a time. Possible, of course. The question is, Why are Pink Cross Donors paying for Shelley Lubben to have a maid? I wonder how many real Christians are out there living month to month that still find a few bucks to send Shelley?
Shelley Lubbens travel came up to $12,400 or a little over $1000 a month. For what? Where does Shelley go? Her website that she pays outrageous amount for every month doesn’t show very many updates. At a minimum when Shelley is actually booked her flights are taken care of by the organization booking her
But Lubben, you know how i know your a cheating scam artist? Your PayPal deductions. You claim to have brought in 137,000 last year. And when you did your paypal deductions, you used that figure and got $3662. That’s within a few dollars of of the $137,000… Only problem is, all your $137,000 wasn’t thru PayPal..
Shelley, its one thing to cheat on your taxes. But its a whole other thing when you not only steal in the name of religion, but you take from people who really dont have it…Your a sick twisted bitch. Your worse then Donny Long, Donny is a fuck up and what you see is what you get. But you, you’re a lying swindler who steals from poor people.
See the whole return here
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