The AIM Bankruptcy Filings Finalized Report: Tim Tritch, Desi Foxx Got Nothing

File this under news hardly anyone cares about…

Here is the Finalized Report from the AIM (Adult Industry Medical) Clinic bankruptcy filings. In the end, the lawyers and trustees got paid, and AHF destroyed another non profit.


Note that AHF snitch Tim Tritch, who currently claims he was owed over a half million dollars, is not even a listed creditor. And the owner of the laboratory he once worked for (Westcliff, which became LabWest after being purchased by LabCorp), only claimed less than $269,000.

Diana Grandmason, aka Desi “Mama Pimp” Foxx, who sued sued AIM after AHF solicited plaintiffs to help destroy the clinic, got zilch.

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