Unlicensed Agency GoodLife Modeling Is Making Quite The Name For Themselves

Below is a conversation between Chris aka CJ, owner of GoodLife Modeling and Lloyd Platinum:

LOL.. A 200 buck booking fee? Now I dont know Kelsi Monroe, she’s hot, but in 4 years she’s only got 129 credits according to IAFD . Which is an average of 32 scenes a year or less then 3 shoots a month…All due respect to her, that hardly qualifies as “one of the most sought after adult film actresses in the world.”

Even better, when Lloyd calls him out on his booking fee citing Derek’s models and the fact that not even HE charges that much, Chris insinuates that Hay does in fact charge the same rate. Hmmm.

I reached out to Mr. Hay, a Bjorn Borg fan and owner of LA Direct Models, and asked him asked him if he had ever charged a $200 booking fee? He responded with a “NO.”

Not sure but maybe Chris of GoodLife Modeling isn’t as close to Derek as he thinks. Given Derek’s dislike for unlicensed talent agencies I’m beginning to suspect that Chris might not be a very honest guy.

As for being “fully licensed and bonded,” we can’t even find a business license for GoodLife models, which even if he had one, isn’t the same as being a licensed and bonded California agency.

A quick check of the GoodLife website shows 2 girls that are with OTHER agencies.

I’m sure that’s just an oversight on his part, after all, he reps one of the most sought after models in the world and is probably very busy.

Not sure if this is the guy you wanna give a copy of your ID to

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  • And the 1100$ for the shoot? That didn't get questioned. I'm just curious if he would have said 1300$ (just keeping 200 for his fee) would it have been the same(ish) conversation but with the shoot fee being the issue. What % does he take if any? Derek takes around 15% correct? So Derek takes 175$ from 1100$ shoot? Looks pretty close to me ..I thinks.. amirite? Chris maybe just needs to reword or talk more like the real deals....be a smooth nigga. I know of Lloyd and I know he pays his performers. 1100$ seems high for his one man shop amateur site. (Amateur niche not amateur work).I think he's expanding his niche so the move to more well known talent makes sens. He works his fn balls off and does everything himself. He has no shortage of girls wanting to shoot. Is there more to this tho? Goodlife reppin Farrah Haze or something? I'm NOT a porn person and really know fuck all. Just seems like there could be more too it. Is there a pattern I'm missing from this guy? Quite a name for itself? Why? Where? Cause they most be using a different name to get this name that I can't find anything on. Cause he pissed off Lloyd Platnuim? and Derek Hay doesn't like someone else chewing on his pie? GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE!!!! I do see the unlicensed angle. but come on from what I've picked up isn't that the majority? CJ could be TB Jr. for all I know but this art is pretty suggestive. He doesn't even ask for a nood and he's booking porn. If it was me I'd be asking for her sexual history, police check, references and a letter from a shrink to protect my ass. (well and a scratch and sniff of her taco for my own research purposes but hey I'm a sick fuck and no agent) Like if CJ is the son of Ted Bundy there's more being said out there ..im fn sure there'd be cats ...Anyone ready to start digging up this guys lawn. Lloyd ya better bring a few lamps. God man I hope it isn't a farm house. Ya ass be digging for a while..I'll be there in spirit man...Look I'll get us started ....O--E--O....O--E--O

    Ps. Bjorn Borg. Top 5 of all time tennis player but a really fn bad business man though ...not so much...oh and that hair....Total porn star look ...fuck him and Jack had some fn wars...I believe there's a movie coming or ....

      • This guy who posted this about GoodLifeModeling.com is a complete moron and doesn’t realize how important a man like CJ is to the industry and the amount of hard work and dedication he provides. I have spoken with many girls that immediately quit doing porn after their first shoot with Lloyd Platinum. He is a cheap skate wannabe producer that asks for the world but doesn’t want to pay for it. I’m sure there would be a line Out the door with producers that have no issues paying that small rate for a smoking hottie like Kelsi Monroe.

  • lloyd platnium is my ex and I have to agree with u 100% . i shot multiple scenes with him and it t took over a month to pay me $1,000 because he claimed he didnt have the money and had to go see his family in California. Then a couple weeks ago i get a message from a fan staightin lloyd is illegally using videos i filmed for a woman out of state . She paid me for the videos I signed a release for her but lloyd has no legal rights to the videos . he is a lunatic

  • So you are saying he dodged paying you. As well as you dodge cum?
    Hahaha that' some funny shit right there. Seriously though i have a few questions if you have a minute L.
    I get that you don't like getting a 1/8 cup of jizz blasted from a super soaker at 300 mile an hour in your eyes, up your nose and hair. I know it's degrading to a lot of people but that's the nature of porn. Did you always hate jizz? You're scenes with Alex (your best btw) the pop shot looked "unwanted" at best. Alex has a way of bringing out the realness and you cam across genuine and looked destined for big things. The daughter swap scene though it looked like you got hit with battery acid from a cannon. The scenes with Lloyd seemed better but also coached <--idk this may just be me but ....The Atk with Elsa Jean you looked the most comfortable and that makes sense but again no jizz to dodge. lol. So i (and others i'm sure) would like to know why do you porn if you don't like facials or cum all together? You must have watched some porn before you started. Facials end 75% of scenes. Didn;y you know cum didgers rarely make it long in the biz? Some say the Woodman shit was a career killer but really that scene for Teem Skeet closed the door to way more projects then you may or may not know. Most of don't give a fuck about Woodman says or does tbh. You seem to have ambition when you set your mind to things (ie running your own company) and yet drama finds you in every corner of the weebs. You must know that even if it is porn it's still a biz. Most times you have to take the highroad and be as good as your peers and better then your competition BUT you MUST be 100 times better then your haters. Did you ever consider if you spent as much energy honing your jizz taking abilities as you do listening to or fighting random people on line you could really make an impact in this industry?
    If you read this far then thanks and take a minute before you respond. Think it through and understand i'm not trying to goat you or cut you down. That's been done. If i wanted to be an asshole i could have said you dodge prison time for having sex with someone underage instead of dodge jizz. You could show there is help for you yet and take a sec and generally explain more of your side. Show your just human and probably garner some understanding from people OR of course you could be total dickwad and just adhere to what most already thing about you. Took me a long time to know sometimes ya just gotta shut the fuck up. I guess it's your choice but really you owe me or anyone else here fuck all. Except maybe a 5$ refund an Amazon Gift Card you used for jib...Haahhaha. (Come on ...too soon?) I am generally curious if you already hated jizz or did that come while in porn? Also what would you do differently if you could? Whatever you decide i wish you the best and i hope contentment finds you some day. In my experience no one really likes train wrecks Lid. Most just can't turn away from it. People do love comeback stories and when someone turns their shit around sticking it to their haters. That i know for sure. So whats on your menu of life for the next while. Train wreck or comeback? (I mean we know it's not jizz so i omitted that option Bahahaha) Take care and if ya get one thing from this mini novel hopefully it's this....if ya want to be treated better then it's simple ...be better....

  • bahahah i actaully have no issue with cum. If u were a good "stalker" and watched my new c ontent u would know that was all a act which is what i get paid to do .

  • Oh and fyi The guy i had sex with wasnt undersage. 17 is LEGAL in the state of texas where we both lived. We were also engaged & dated for 3 years. His parents knew and they didnt care. Someone in louisiana reported us when we moved. His parents had all the charges dropped. It doesnt even show up on my background check. My record is clean. so nice try

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