Unlicensed Agency Society 15 Reduced To Bullying & Bogus Invoicing

Oh how the mighty have fallen.  Once a reputable agency run by one of the most popular porn stars in the world, Society 15 is now a rape and stolen debit card away from being Plush 2.0 under the leadership of Nina Elle.

A few weeks back, TRPWL pointed out that Society 15 has been operating without a valid license. How long you ask? We are now on day 67 of Society 15 being unlicensed.  Once talent realized that Society 15 wasn’t licensed, they started leaving in droves. I think its up to 12 who have bailed, and from what I hear, others are trying to.

There are unwritten agency rules in porn, legit agents follow them, scumbags don’t. Once of those rules is, if a talent owes another agency, they won’t take them on until the balance is cleared or arrangements are made to clear it out.

This works itself out in a couple different ways, one, the girl/guy just stays with the old agency, or they pay the balance owned. Most of the time, the girl/guy doesn’t owe what the agency claims they do, they just pay to get the fuck out. Which brings to the point of this post.

Society 15, instead of just renewing the license, has resorted to low level scare tactics and bullshit to try and keep talent from bailing.

One thing they’ve allegedly done is create fake shoots, then try to charge talent bogus kill fees for these shoots that were never legitimate.  Verbally telling the talent you owe us X amount, knowing the talent most likely doesn’t have the money, forcing the talent to stay with S15.

S15 doesn’t stop with the bogus billing, they’ve resorted to bulling the girls with phony legal threats if they speak out publicly, trying to blackball talent connected to those they don’t like, and in one instance, imply they were gonna dox someone by texting them their real name…

How’s all that working out for you S15?  Maybe those lawsuits are on a slow moving train?  I personally look forward to one of those calls. Cuz you know, y’all scare me…




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