Who Hates Alex Chance? The Bloody Glove part 2 lol

I don’t. And whoever tried to use her to move their selfish agenda is a POS. As everyone already knows, a “good samaritan” wrote a very touching letter in an effort to save the world from pornstar stds.

Taken From Mike South
My name Peter. First, I would like to commend you on your fight to bring mandatory condoms to the Porn Industry. I would like to tell you my story. I am a married man for over 10 years. About one year ago my wife and I decided to take a break and see other people. This trial separation lasted only two weeks but it forever changed my life. I have a friend who works in the porn industry and he told me, don’t worry, I will take care of you. He booked me a girl through an agency called The Luxury Companion. The girl’s name was A… C….. My friend paid for her to spend the night with me. I picked her up and we went out to dinner. We had a great time and ended up at the Roosevelt Hotel in Hollywood. My friend had apparently bought me a full package with Ms. Take A Chance so I decided to use it. That night we had sex. She told me she was a pornstar and regularly tested so I figured it would be safe to have sex without protection. I know I was clean because I had been married for the past 10 years and only been with my wife and have had regular physicals where I have been tested for all STD’s. Long story short, we had a full night of unprotected sex and said our goodbyes in the morning. I never expected to even think about that night again for as long as I lived. A few weeks later my wife and I reconciled and went to therapy to improve our marriage. A few months later my wife started developing a rash in her pubic region. I took her to the doctor to find out she had been infected with Herpes and Syphilis. I got tested also to find out that I had the same diagnosis. Our family was devastated. It all happened because I decided that the porn industry’s testing procedure would keep me safe, even though I was just what they call a “civilian”. They claim that the diseases that come into their business are contracted by people like me but it’s not true. This girl ruined my family’s life. I came clean to my wife about what had happened and she left me.

Please feel free to use my story however you see fit and good luck with AB332. You have a lot more support than you think.



In short, this guy and his wife decided to fuck other people. He must be butt ugly cuz his BFF decided to drop a grand or more for 12 hours of fun. The escort convinced him to go BB even though everyone knows bareback (girlfriend experience) is extra. lol She even says, “Don’t worry. I’m a pornstar and get tested” lol how convenient for AHF and its supporters.

Then, him and his wife get back together and 2 months later she has a rash. Of course throughout their marriage, they get tested regularly which is odd to say the least. I’ll call bullshit on that. So he tests and find out he has STDSs, as well. And of course it’s the pornstars fault right? I’m sure the wife didn’t fuck anyone during the 2 week “trial” separation fuck fest.

Then after this pornstar ruined their lives , she leaves him LMAO really. This is the best shyt you dumb fucks could come up with?

Worst thing is, you fuckers are attempting to ruin a person’s career or life for what? Bunch of fucking douches, chicken shit bitches too afraid to fight like men.

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  • i call bullshit, too. but even if it were true, why would anyone write to ahf? it makes no sense whatsoever. coincidently,[?] pwl had a similar occurrence. some loser posted saying pretty much the same thing. except i think he was cheating on his wife with a pornstar escort, and he allegedly contracted hiv.

    what did he do? seek out a medical professional to inquire regarding treatment options, etc? no. of course not. he did what any sane, rational person would do. he wrote a post about it on pwl's forum, asking donkey and his fake army what he should do hahahaha. tards.

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