SEATTLE — Aspiring fan fiction writers looking to create erotica on Amazon’s newly launched Kindle Worlds for writers’ platform best look somewhere else.
The online retail giant is seeking “New stories inspired by books, shows, movies, comics, music, and games people love,” but the caveat is sans sex.
Authors on the new digital hub can have their work published by Amazon Publishing, but the company’s official guidelines states, “We don’t accept pornography or offensive depictions of graphic sexual acts.”
Amazon also prohibits what it calls “offensive” material and that means no “excessive use of foul language.”
It’s too bad, because Amazon allows writers to create their own covers, takes care of the cost of newbie scribes’ world rights’ royalties, and shares the profits. Works of more 10,000 words will yield 35 percent of net revenue and stories between 5,000 and 10,000 words will yield 20 percent of net revenue. Books that are accepted would retail on Kindle for 99 cents to $3.99.
Pointing to her Facebook discussion on Amazon’s decision, Riverdale Avenue Books publisher Lori Perkins told XBIZ, “But as far as readers are concerned, what’s the point of fanfiction without the sex? It was originally called “slash fiction” because you would get around trademark/copyright infringement by using S/K (Spock/Kirk) in a gay relationship.”
And for writers who don”t care about erotica, Perkins cautioned, “[It’s a] A slippery slope. If the author is writing it for fun, and never expected anything in return, then I am sure s/he would be happy to see her/his idea incorporated in the ‘Star Wars/Star Trek/DC’ universe until it becomes the best-selling reboot idea ever, and then s/he’ll hire attorneys and agents who will settle out of court, at best.
“Writing in someone else’s world can be good practice for a beginner and fun for a seasoned pro, and sometimes can even be a catapult to fame (not fortune). Just know what you are getting into. As an editor, I finally have somewhere to send all those writers who send queries saying ‘I’ve written the most awesome Star Trek novel.’ So boldly go where everyone has gone before.”
Non-sex accepted works will be available in digital format exclusively on, Kindle devices, iOS, Android, and PC/Mac via the Kindle Free Reading apps. Other formats are planned for the future, Amazon said.
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