AHF Acknowledges LA County Not Empowered to Deploy Measure B

Today’s announcement that the president of AIDS Healthcare Foundation, the creator and sole financial backer of L.A. County’s Measure B, intends to seek state legislation in the wake of its passage came as a surprise to no one in the adult industry.

The L.A. Times reports that AHF president Michael Weinstein has announced he seeks a state legislator to support a bill to “broaden Cal/OSHA’s enforcement powers and also empower local public health departments to enforce safety laws on condom use on porn sets.”

This announcement constitutes an explicit acknowledgement that the law Weinstein created, Measure B – which L.A. County government did not want, and must now defend in court at taxpayer expense — is pre-empted by state law, insofar as local public health departments are currently NOT empowered to enforce state laws
concerning condom use on porn sets.

Although Weinstein’s past efforts to seek lawmaker support in Sacramento have failed, he says he hopes to find backing now that a majority of voters in L.A. County were tricked into voting for the unconstitutional law he presented them — at great potential cost to those very taxpaying voters. You get that?

The other, ongoing, problem for this plan is, of course, that local public health departments simply don’t want the job, let alone the bureaucratic overhead and vast expense attendant to such a program. But hey, why sweat the details when you’re on a roll… It got his name in the paper again, right?

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