How porn is rewiring men’s brains

There's a scene in Don Jon, Joseph Gordon-Levitt's new comedy about a womanizing New Jersey stud with a rabid porn…


Maybe no one is having sex?

Washington - Abigail Haworth's Guardian article “Why Have Young People in Japan Stopped Having Sex?” has been getting heavy Internet…


Donations made to help sex trafficking victims

A new state fund set up to help sex trafficking victims in Nevada has received its first donations. Representatives of…


Annette Bening And Warren Beatty’s Transgender Son Appears In PSA

Nov. 17 (UPI) --Warren Beatty and Annette Bening have always been politically active, and now their transgender son, Stephen Ira,…


Gay Conversion Therapists Lose Suit In New Jersey

A ban on performing gay-conversion therapy on children in the state of New Jersey doesn’t violate the freedom of speech…


French Stars Sign Petition Against Plan To Ban Prostitution

(Reuters) - A group of French celebrities including singer Charles Aznavour and actress Catherine Deneuve have signed a petition against…


Russian Concert Promoters Fined For Lady Gaga’s LGBT Support

ST. PETERSBURG, Russia, Nov. 16 (UPI) -- A Russian court fined the concert promoters that brought Lady Gaga to the…


Child porn charges laid against 10 Laval teens

Ten boys, aged 13 to 15, appeared in youth court in Laval, Que., today to face child pornography charges, after a…


Brothel Raids Endanger Rio’s Sex Workers

“It’s safer to work in the terma,” says Juliana, a 31-year-old bleach-blonde with a face younger than her years. “There…


XBIZ to Debut Industry ‘Black Book’ at January Events Series

LOS ANGELES — XBIZ is pleased to announce the upcoming Hollywood premiere of XBIZ Index, a high-end industry business directory…