Paul Morris: Calif. Leads Nation In Workplace Deaths & Cal/OSHA Is Watching Porn

In February, Cal/OSHA held two days of hearings on its action against Treasure Island Media (TIM), a leading gay porn…


Hey AHF, How Many Condoms Does $1.7 Million Buy In The Caymans?

So AHF talks about porn production companies not being "good corporate citizens." I guess hiding money in the Caymans is…


Woman Strips Down To Her Underwear In Front Of South Carolina State House For Some Reason

According to wistv.com, the news conference was announcing the new zero tolerance for littering program. Said this gentleman who was…


Interpretation of Measure B’s ‘Provisional Fee’ Letter Disputed

LOS ANGELES — Attorneys representing the Los Angeles County officials sued over the constitutionality and proposed implementation of Measure B…


Are Condoms Killing The LA Porn Industry?

Has the porn industry abandoned Los Angeles? It seems that way, if you consider that the organization that handles permits…


Square Is The Preferred Payment Method For Silicon Valley Sex Workers

When you live in a place like Silicon Valley, you have to stay up-to-date with the latest technological innovations, no…


CNN: Sex Toys Can Be Deductible Expense for Webcam Work

ARLINGTON, Texas — In honor of April 15, tax day, CNN Money has come out with its annual list of…


Police: New Mexico man traded McDonalds for sex

This happy meal didn’t end with a treat. A New Mexico man was arrested for allegedly trading a sex with…


Someone Really Needs To Explain How Porn Works To Farrah Abraham And Her Parents

In case there are still one or two human beings on the planet who don’t understand what goes into a…


Belarusian man accused of airing pornography on TV

MINSK, Belarus, April 15 (UPI) -- A Belarusian man was arrested for allegedly airing 10 minutes of pornography on television…