Doctored pic of conservative commentator S.E. Cupp performing oral sex sparks outrage

Washington, May 26 : A photoshopped photo in the recent issue of Hustler magazine depicting conservative commentator S.E. Cupp performing…


The New Mean Girls: Gay On Gay Bullying

by Carl Sandler In the past two years mobile dating apps have transformed the lives of gay men worldwide. You…


Anti-lesbianism is a ruse to keep all women in our place

The hounding of Carina Trimingham serves as a warning to anyone who chooses to reject the trappings of femininity Everyone…


Study: Men More Attracted To Women Who Act Dumb, Exploitable

Men are apparently pre-programmed to seek out women who act dumb as they make easier conquests, according to a study.…


Dude Goes To Hospital For Kidney Stone, Discovers He’s A Dudette

A man who went to hospital with a kidney stone was stunned when a nurse gave him his results -…


Sex Trafficking: Backpage Dot Com Used For Backdoor Deals

By AP IOWA CITY, Iowa -- A nationwide sex trafficking ring run by a violent pimp and his associates used…


Brooklyn Lee – As Of Right Now Is The Most Popular Pornstar In The World

Not sure how long it will last but all it took was a picture with Bill Clinton...And Rush just mentioned…


Women In Alabama Prison Suffered Severe And Frequent Sexual Abuse From Guards

Male corrections officers at one Alabama prison have repeatedly abused and even raped their female inmates, according to a shocking…


Study: Cheating Men More Likely To Drop Dead

Could cheating on your spouse cause a heart attack? A new study by the University of Florence indicates that “sudden…


Porn Star Teacher, Stacie Halas, Talks About Double Life [Interview From 06]

A porn star-turned-science teacher who was fired from her job gave an interview during the early stages of her profession…
