Commercial Break: The Christian movie that’s fighting porn with horror

Ok. This is too stupid not to post. Lol Pornography – it can rip families apart, even in the style…


Woman Finds Cocaine In Box Of Tampons, Uncovers Smuggling Op

From vodka tampons to moldy tampons to tampons filled with cocaine...wtf? A Utah woman who bought a box of discount…


Sarah Jones’ Ex Weighs In On Sex Scandal

As former teacher and Cincinnati Bengals cheerleader Sarah Jones awaits trial on accusations that she had sex with one of…


Amanda Seyfried transformed into Linda Lovelace in movie poster

Mama mia! Amanda Seyfried has completely transformed for her role as the '70s porn star Linda Lovelace. The actress, who…


Tessa Vanvlerah: Two Consecutive Life Sentences For Raping Infant Daughter

Some people should never be allowed to have children... CLAYTON, Mo. -- A judge sentenced a Missouri woman to consecutive…


Man Accused Of Child Porn And Boinking His GF’s Dog

When cops came to a man's house on a tip that he had child pornography, according to authorities, they found…


Mom accused of having sex with teenage son hadn’t seen him for 15 years, hunted him down on Facebook

The northern California mom accused of having sex with her teen son had been estranged from the boy almost his…


Leading AIDS Advocates Support FDA Approval of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP), a Promising New HIV Prevention Method, for Men and Women

NEW YORK, May 1, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- In public comments submitted this week, a group of 14 leading HIV/AIDS and…


Gay Bashing Preacher Gives Parents ‘Special Dispensation’ To Beat ‘Gayness’ Out Of Pre-Schoolers

A preacher went on a furious tirade claiming to give parents permission to beat children who display any sign of…


Do porn and mothering mix? Alana Evans Takes Care Of Biz UPDATED

LMAO Lubben's lies crack me up Few words set off a firestorm of controversy like "porn"… especially when it comes…