Rescue as Scam: Australian charity lies about saving girls from sex slavery

Feel free to insert Shelley Lubben and The Pink Cross's name in were ever you see fit...The cards say its…


The unintended consequences of Nick Kristof’s anti-sex trafficking crusade

Campaigners need to see how their well-meaning efforts may actually make the very sex workers they seek to rescue less…


Miss Universe Canada Ejects Transgender Contestant

A transgender woman who was a finalist for Miss Universe Canada has been disqualified from the competition because she was…


The rise of ‘mommy porn’: UK writer lures Hollywood with bestselling erotic trilogy Fifty Shades

She is the former west London housewife who has revolutionised the genre of erotic fiction with her bestselling trilogy of…


Barcode Pimps: Gang Suspected Of Tattooing Women Forced Into Prostitution Arrested By Spanish Police

Harold Heckle, AP -- Spanish police arrested 22 suspected pimps who allegedly used violence to force women into prostitution and…


Egyptian government reportedly preparing a ban on Internet pornography

What started out as a call by an Egyptian member of parliament, has now reached the Ministry of Telecommunications taking…


Racist Porn Hating Democrats

You Bastards ! Odd its always the conservatives that are blamed for race hating and being anti porn..But in reality…


‘Pantyhose Pervert’ On Serial Flashing Binge

After multiple incidents spanning seven months, law enforcement officials across metro Detroit are still searching for a cross-dressing, serial flasher.…


College footballer ‘secretly taped room-mate having sex and then passed recording round other students’

A Boston college football player who audio taped his teammate and a female student having sex then allegedly shared the…


Android Porn: So This Why You Love Your Smartphone So Much?

Ever since Adobe introduced the world to their mobile Flash player, it really shouldn’t come as much of a surprise…