Woman Attacked Boyfriend Because He Didn’t Want Sex

After a South Florida woman's sexual advances were repeatedly rebuked by her boyfriend, she attacked him before chasing him down…


TRPWL Exclusive: Brooklyn Lee- A Bush Sporting Day Walker

If I lived in South Park, Colorado, I would ask Eric Cartman to spare Brooklyn Lee from his day-walker hit…


NYC Developing App To Target Sexual Harassment

By Reuters NEW YORK (Reuters) - Exasperated by the wolf whistles and cat calls that seem to be the universal…


Yes, Virginia, There Is A G-Spot…Maybe

Men and women have been trying to find it for centuries. Some doubt it even exists. But now a doctor…


Pornstar Takes The Stand In Murder Trial

A former prostitute and porn actress testified on Tuesday that she had a yearlong affair with a Florida millionaire that…


Study: Brain Controls Cravings For Food And Sex

Are you unable to resist that second slice of chocolate cake? Or, perhaps you are embarrassed by your readiness to…


The Millions Of Shelley Lubben Supporters, Only 999,970 Short

Let's help Shelley help millions. The constant telling of the truth is hurting her income err I mean her ministry...…


Controversial Website Offers $1M For Proof Of Sex With Jets’ Tim Tebow

NEW YORK (WFAN) – Jets quarterback Tim Tebow has steadfastly maintained he is a virgin living the high-profile life of…


Colombia Rejects U.S. Airline’s Secret Service ‘Sex’ Ad (El Tiempo, Colombia)

Has America’s Spirit Airlines overstepped the bounds of propriety by producing an advertisement in which a man appearing to be…


It’s up to parents to protect children online, says Google

Parents are to blame if children view pornography online, an executive of Google has said. Naomi Gummer, a public policy…