NYC Transit Worker Claims Boss Called Him “Cupcake,” Fired Him For Being Gay

New York City during the Pride parade can be a real shit storm. For MTA custodian Reginald Jenkins, it was…


Annex Products’ Playa Condom iPhone Case

Just in time for the great condoms in porn mandate debacle, it's the Playa Condom iPhone Case! Annex Products, from…


Study: Homophobes May Actually Be Attracted To Same Sex

A classic case of  'the lady doth protest too much, methinks...' Homophobes could be attracted to people of the same…


Internet Porn Helps Reduce Sexual Assaults

Is it true that living in America has become riskier? In 2006, the political scientist Jacob Hacker published The Great…


Bikini-Barista Coffee Shop Closed After Owner Accidently Broadcasts Sexcapades Over The Internet

A risque coffee stand was shut down on Friday as graphic images fueled rumors of a porn scandal in its…


Why this Canadian porn star’s past isn’t holding her back in Bollywood

When a family thrust an infant into her arms a few months ago and asked her to pose for a…


Remy LaCroix-Newest Spiegler Girl

This is the latest Spiegler girl...Also watch out for our Spiegler girls tube site.. Spiegler Girls


Feminist porn aims to mix pleasure with principle

TRISTAN Taormino has received a lot of fan mail for her pornographic films - and for one scene in particular.…


San Francisco’s New Antique Vibrator Museum

San Francisco's newest museum is sure to cause a buzz when it opens April 12 -- because it's devoted to…


Warning to the young gay men: Death of a porn star

Relationships are supposed to be epic experiences that two people share for whatever little time allowed on this planet. There…