Manhattan Madame Arrested

Millionaire Manhattan madam arrested after five-year investigation Boasted about making millions in her 15 years running the brothel Run from…


Sexual evolution: From bondage to male sex toys, how sex is changing

LOOKING FOR LOVE Along with the push for gay marriage, more and more gay men are forming monogamous relationships, says…


Does The TSA Have A Boob Fetish?

A nursing mother was forced to show security her freshly pumped breast milk before she was allowed to board a…


Bra Bandits Busted In Florida

Police in Florida have arrested two women they say stole thousands of dollar's worth of bras from Victoria's Secret stores…


Porn domain on Internet touches alarm buttons

(Reuters) - Within three months of the launch of the Internet "pornography" domain ".xxx," 10 cases have been launched against…


Ryanair considering in-flight porn, report says

I wonder if that hooker from who got offended by Asian porn was one the wrong airline? Porn on planes?…


RUSE: The Girl Scout Sex Guide

Sharon Slater, a mother of seven, innocently walked into a panel sponsored by the Girl Scouts USA at the United…


Danish Police Accidentally Censor Over 8,000 Sites As Child Porn… Including Facebook & Google (Free Speech)

Reminiscent of the mooo.com screwup in the US, where Homeland Security's ICE division "accidentally" seized 84,000 sites and plastered them…


Three Teachers At One School Arrested For Sex With Student

Three male teachers at a single rural high school have been arrested after admitting to passing a male student amongst…


Donald Sterling Allegedly Consulted Hooker On Clippers Issues

Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling solicited advice on the team’s basketball operations from a woman he described as a…
