Bill aims to close Kentucky’s child porn loophole

ASHLAND — State Rep. Kevin Sinnette has pre-filed and is sponsoring legislation aimed at closing what he says is a…


‘I Just Made Love’ App Lets Users Track Their Sexual Encounters

Twitter, Facebook, Foursquare, LinkedIn: If documenting your thoughts, meals, jobs and latest party-going isn't holding your interest the way it…


City Attorney’s Office Not Anti Condom On Adult Film Sets

From Encino Patch Councilmen Bill Rosendahl and Paul Koretz seek to dismiss City Attorney Carmen Trutanich's lawsuit against a ballot…


Tis The Season For Charity Sex

Competition has spiked among retailers this holiday season, and the sex industry is no exception. A Texas escort is trying…


A Wicked Warning-Stay Away From XXX

Hi All Webmasters, It is very important that you read and understand the below change. If there are any questions,…


2011 Biggest Bitch Contest – VOTE NOW

It was hard to narrow this down to these five. Sure, there are so many total bitches out there, I…


The Newest Threat Or So Gene Ross Says

Once again, the idiot and his cards don't know shyt. First, this site has been on our radar for a…


France’s Faulty Breast Implants Scandal

More than 30,000 women have had breast implants filled with industrial silicone instead of medical-grade fillers! From Guardian World News…


Time For Some Holiday Spirit

Dear friends and industry co workers Jay and Marcia Shanahan (Jim Enright -- producer of all Club Jenna / Jenna…


Melissa Rivers Dating XXX Porn King

Out of all the chicks this dude has access to, and he picks this ugly skank... FROM TMZ Joan Rivers'…