Australian swimming coaches in strippers and porn bonding sessions

Strippers, porn movies and binge drinking were all part of bonding nights held by high-profile Australian swimming coaches, an investigation revealed.

News Ltd are reporting that the findings arose after Swimming Australia commissioned the investigation, the results of which have been leaked to the media.

The private strip shows, held during the national coaching conferences between 2002-2005, have been described as ‘legendary’.

They took place at the a suite occupied by then-head coach Alan Thompson in the Sofitel Broadbeach.

There were rumors the parties were being held in the 1990’s and up to 2009 but an upheaval of the culture of swimming in recent years has ended the practice.

The report outlines a culture of binge drinking when the coaches were together, saying that as many as 12 men were present at some of the strip shows, involving multiple women.

Former Australian women’s coach Rohan Taylor admitted to attending one of the strip shows but played down the incident as nothing sinister.

“It was in a room (at the hotel), it was not a coaches conference-­endorsed thing, it was a group of people who got together who decided to do that rather than go to the place,” Taylor said.

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