How Bing became ‘the’ search engine for porn

From  EJ Dickson at The Daily Dot —

In the era of Pornhub and Redtube, griping about having trouble finding free online porn is a bit like complaining about how difficult it is to find shrooms at a jam band concert. But apparently, thanks to changes in Google’s search settings, it’s become much harder to find hardcore smut on the search engine, which has led porn fans to migrate to an unlikely source: Bing, a.k.a. the search engine you only reluctantly use after searching for anything on Facebook.

Since Google tweaked its Safe Search settings back in 2012, porn aficionados have been flocking to Bing in droves to fulfill their fapping needs. Reddit in particular is a veritable shrine to the Bing porn search, with users posting informal paeans to the search engine’s virtues in r/AdviceAnimals andr/GIFS. Here’s a redditor imagining what life is like in the Bing offices (NSFW):

And here’s one who says he just realized why “everyone says Bing is better for searching for porn”:

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