CarpeNoctemInterviews.com Features GIA MOORE GIFTS

Erotic entrepreneur Gia Moore (http://www.giamooregifts.com) opens up to CarpeNoctemInterviews.com about her line of romance inspiring gifts. In the feature Gia shares not only what the future holds for her G by Gia Moore fragrances, but the inspiration behind Gia Moore Gifts as well. Researching scents that captured the essence of her personality, Gia’s perfumes are intended to evoke feelings that are sensual, sexual, elegant, and passionate.

“I am excited about what I have coming up for G by Gia Moore,” said Gia. “In the interview I talked a lot about the history behind creating these products and also what I am planning to do to build on the momentum I have been fortunate to have experienced.”

The CarpeNoctemInterviews.com interview with Gia Moore can be found here: http://bit.ly/GiaMooreCNI.

Gia Moore Gifts offers products geared for creating a romantic environment. Decadent chocolates, scented candles and luxurious fragrances are some of the passion producing items found on GiaMooreGifts.com. At the heart of the site is the popular G by Gia Moore perfume and cologne. Created by Gia, the intoxicating scents inspire an ambiance of sexuality.

Want to know the story behind Gia Moore Gifts? CarpeNoctemInterviews.com shares the incredible journey of the woman from Columbia who launched her own line of sexy fragrances.

For more information on Gia Moore, please visit the Gia Moore network:

For more pictures of Gia, please click here:

To interview Gia Moore for your website and/or publication;
Please contact Star Factory PR:
(818) 732-0191

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