Categories: Crime

College footballer ‘secretly taped room-mate having sex and then passed recording round other students’

College footballer ‘secretly taped room-mate having sex and then passed recording round other students’

A Boston college football player who audio taped his teammate and a female student having sex then allegedly shared the recording with other students has been charged.

Jaryd Rudolph, 19, allegedly made the recording of the female student’s ‘sexual noises’ on his cellphone and then forwarded it to several other students on the football and hockey teams.

The female undergraduate student was unaware that she had been taped and only found out about the recording when people began making fun of her.

She filed a complaint to the police and Rudolph was arraigned on charges of illegal recording and unlawful wire tapping in Brighton District Court today.

Rudolph, of Plympton, Massachusetts, has been suspended from both the football team, where he was a defensive tackle, and Boston College pending the outcome of the case.

The student admitted that he placed his phone in the hallway near his roommate’s bedroom to record the couple having sexual intercourse, said police.

Rudolph confessed that he forwarded the recording to his roommate but denied sending it to anyone else. He has been ordered to keep away from the victim and not to use electronic devices.

She had no knowledge that these recordings were being made. She didn’t give her consent to them being made, and she certainly didn’t give her consent to them being distributed,’ said Mitchell Garabedian, the female student’s attorney.
Eavesdropper: The Boston College student is accused of forwarding the recording on to other football and hockey players

Eavesdropper: The Boston College student is accused of forwarding the recording on to other football and hockey players

‘She found out about it by people making fun of her while she was working,’ he added.

Boston College released a statement about the incident:

‘A Boston College student will appear in April for a pre-trial conference regarding allegations that he audio-recorded a consensual encounter between a female graduate student and his undergraduate roommate in February.

‘In adjudicating the matter, the dean’s office determined that the conduct of the student and the alleged victim was inappropriate.

‘The student was issued a summary suspension at the time of the allegation and remains on University probation. He was also suspended from the football team, and must undergo educational training and counseling.

‘These sanctions will remain in place pending the outcome of the court proceeding.’

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