One of the driving forces behind the condom mandate was your good friend and elected official Bill Rosendahl. He was AHF and Michael Weinstein go to guy or one could even say AHF’s guy on the inside..You could even take it a step further and say possibly if there was no Rosendahl there may not be a condom mandate right now. Im not saying it wouldn’t have happened at a later time, im saying Mr Rosendahl expedited the process…
When i first heard of this the only thing that crossed my mind was how can you enforce it. Even tho LAPD has their hands full with silly things like murder and rape, im sure they wouldn’t mind hitting up a few porn sets looking for condom wrapped dicks. But word on the street is they dont want to have anything to do with it. Whoever is in charge of enforcing it, one thing is certain. This is gonna cost the hardworking tax payers money. Tax money will go to enforcing a non enforceable law. There is only one way to make sure someone is wearing a condom on a porn shoot. Get there before scene starts, inspect the erect penis for condom, watch dick in vag for duration of scene, wait for money shot, then pull condom off and inspect for sperm..
“Im Condom officer Dawson, id like to see Lexington Steele’s penis, i need to make sure hes got his condom on.”
“Mr Steele i noticed you making weird noises, did you cum? If so im gonna need to confiscate that condom to check for sperm. And dont think you can fool me with pre cum, Im a highly trained sperm enthusiast”
“Sorry Asa Akira, but im gonna need to look inside your ass for traces of sperm”
This may seem sort of funny, but thats about how it would have to work.
So you hire a 5 man crew, pay them 50gs a year to pull permits and visit sets for hours at a time..Of course this will only work for say maybe half of the porn shot in SFV. Alot will simply just find new places to shoot without getting a permit. Which is a good thing, im tired of the same old house and sets being used. I think kick ass pictures uses the same sets for every shoot. And those backdrops went out with the Brady Bunch. Ok, whats our total so far, 250 grand a year not counting travel fees..Not bad right? But wait theres more. Do any of you actually think this wont be challenged in court? I hope you dont think AHF is gonna cover the cost of defending this in a courtroom? You think Rosendahl is gonna throw a fund raiser to help fix the problem he helped create? Fuck NO.. This will undoubtedly set the city of Los Angeles back a minimum of a half a million bucks in fees and time. Not to mention the cost of getting it on a ballot and all the stuff that led up to the law in the first place..In the end over a million bucks in tax payer will be spent on a law that cant be enforced …
The absolute worst thing about this is they already know it cant be enforced, they knew before they acted on it..This is Los Angeles’s version of the sodomy law…Its there for shits and giggles, to make a few people happy..Bill Rosendahl helped out his good buddy Michael Weinstein, Together they are trying to level the gay and str8 porn playing field. Gay porn for the most part uses condoms, str8 porn doesn’t. Why? well when alot of people think of gays or gay porn they think HIV. While we all know its bullshyt, they truly ignorant feel like condoms on gays or bi sexual men is more important then condoms on str8 men. For the people on the other-side, they feel this isn’t fair. Why shouldn’t str8 performers have to deal with the public perception of HIV amongst its talent. What better way to make the public think HIV and Str8 porn also go hand in hand then to create phony statistics, get a gay run HIV activist organization to put up some money, find a openly gay council member to schmooze , add some Cal/Osha winners and then find a puppet, say gay escort and HIV positive part time talent Derek Burts…If you really dig into this, look at most of the people on AHF’s side..They’re gay.. And there is nothing wrong with being gay. But this is a war of gay porn versus str8 porn and nothing more…This whole condom mandate was created by ignorance on both sides of the fence…
Let me clear, im not attacking sexuality, i couldnt care less..My issues are with the reasons why..
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