Desperate Surgeon Seeks Smart, Sweet, Skinny, White Wife – Willing to Pay 10K To Matchmaker

A New York surgeon is taking an unusual approach to finding love by offering a $10,000 reward to whoever introduces him to his future wife.

Dr Emil Chynn has tired of traditional dating methods and has taken out a personal ad in Columbia University’s alumni magazine, pledging to donate the cash to a charity of the matchmaker’s choice.

Looking for love: Dr Emil Chynn, a Manhattan surgeon, is offering $10k to whoever introduces him to woman he wants to marry.

As well as a lot of spare cash, Chynn has some very specific requirements and, apparently, limited time.

His ad, published in the Spring 2012 issue of the magazine, reads: ‘LASEK SURGEON: Featured in NY Times/Wall Street Journal. Dartmouth, Columbia, Harvard, Emory, NYU degrees.

‘Seeks smart, sweet, skinny SWF, 30, for marriage. $10,000 donation to your charity for intro! dr@ParkAvenueLasek.com.’

He said the woman must also be pretty, white, a non-smoker. The deal breaker is that she must want children but not have any yet.

But even if Chynn’s perfect woman does exist there’s another problem. He said he doesn’t have the time to invest in looking for a woman.

‘I’m busy. I don’t have time to go out to a bar,’ he told ABC News. ‘I have parameters and I can’t be sure I’ll find someone who meets them by going to a bar.’

Paying for dating services is nothing new – Americans spend millions of dollars every year paying for online dating subscriptions, speed dating events and pre-date grooming, according to the channel.

But few would be willing to part with such hefty sums as Chynn.

The persistent surgeon has made quite a habit of dishing out money in his hunt for a wife.

When he was an MBA student at NYU in 2004 Chynn began offering large figures for help getting hitched, the bill footed by his parents. 

He told classmates he would give them $100 per date for the first ten dates, $10,000 for an engagement, and $10,000 for a wedding.

Two years ago he expanded the search, placing an advert on Craigslist for an assistant to help him, adding that there would be a $10,000 bonus if she landed him a wife.

She would live rent-free with him in his Manhattan apartment, Slate.com reported, on the proviso that she agreed to walk on his back every day.

The assistant joined Chynn in his quest, buying him a subscription to match.com. But too busy even to chat online, Chynn paid others to set up dates for him.

When that didn’t work he turned to professional help, going through at least six different high-end matchmakers but with little success.

‘I paid this one matchmaker $10,000, and I dated a girl he set me up with for a bit, but it didn’t end up working out,’ he told ABC.

‘And that matchmaker was kind of a jerk. So I figured, instead of paying some random guy that money, I’ll narrow my pool and then give the money to charity.’

For Chynn the dating process is an irritating formality and he’s very open about what he is after. ‘I want to settle down. I want to retire soon,’ he said. ‘And I want to get married and have kids.’

He said that despite his non-traditional methods he is just another guy looking for love in New York City.

Source: Read more: MailOnline

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