Expert claims that hardcore porn is now the ‘most prominent sexual educator’ for young people

Ridiculous – Sean TRPWL

Leading Australian sex educator, Maree Crabbe, has warned of the impact hardcore pornography is having on young people.

Talking to Australian news network ABC, she claimed: ‘Porn is arguably the most prominent sexual educator for many, perhaps all young people.’

And it seems her fears are founded.

Eighteen-year-old student Annie Hill told reporters: ‘Hardcore sex like that is the norm,’

She went on: ‘All the available porn is like next-level stuff; it’s like there’s no romance affiliated with sex anymore.’

While another teenager explained: ‘Some boys or girls, they expect that sex is violent — [that] it is okay to use chains or whips, to hurt someone.’

Melinda Tankard-Reist, an author and women’s advocate who often goes in to schools to talk to children about sex, has seen the problem first hand, and echoed her colleagues concerns, saying: ‘They are looking at porn as a sex education handbook, which can only have damaging impacts.’

She concluded: ‘They cannot develop healthy respectful relationships when pornography is their formative environment.’


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  • Good Christ... Her fears are well-founded... Here is ONE person to quote to prove it.
    These moralists from both sides of the political spectrum are absurd and the journalists who quote them insult our collective intelligence.

    • If her claim is accurate it says much more about the society she lives in than it does about porn. If you let entertainment serve as education you get driving lessons from Vin Diesel, to crib a phrase from my friend Kayden Kross.

      • While I agree, there's no proof that what this "educator" is saying is based on fact. She's merely using her supposed sex education credentials as a common appeal to authority tactic. Her supporting evidence? A quote from ONE girl who shares her opinion.

        This article means less then the "digital" paper it was printed on...

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