Fat Tara Has Gone Full Tard

So Fat Tara as has filed a DMCA complaint with my host..She says this:

We have received a complaint regarding your server. The details are given below,

To Whom It May Concern:
The following information is presented for the purposes of removing web content that allegedly infringes on our copyright per the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. We appreciate your enforcement of copyright law and support of our rights in this matter

Original Paragraph:

Copyright Violation:

These legal documents that I own have been scanned and posted without permission on this site. They also contain my signature and I want them removed from the site immediately.

Paragraph 1

Please take necessary actions to stop this and update us.

LMAO She says she OWNS the lawsuit paper filed in public court..I replied to my hosting with this link

Of course im to cheap to actually go buy copies of this legal action…But there it is..Once again fat ass you lose..And the worst thing is this paper work was buried 3rd page, but your fat ass made it come to the top..Saving another PWL sympathizer Gene Ross for one more day…I think i will also post these documents on the forum as well..

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  • Setting aside the fact that the records of her ridiculous small claims action are a matter of public record, the documents posted are as sent to the defendants and are as much the property of the defendants as they are the tubby plaintiff.

    In America we don't have "secret" private lawsuits. Certain EVIDENCE may be kept from public view, for the protection of the parties and others, or for reasons of public policy, but if you file a claim, your complaint is a matter of public record.

    These documents constitute truthful information, are relevant to very important issues, and may be published freely.

  • "They also contain my signature and I want them removed from the site immediately."

    Is she implying there's a copyright on her signature? This reminds me of the time I was threatened with a ridiculous lawsuit from someone in the industry.

  • Tara Akinloser needs to consult an attorney. If she did that she would know most lawsuits are public record (only those that contain privileged information such as corporate secrets or child molestation prosecutions are even partially private). Akinloser also needs to consult a psychiatrist and get on some medication for her obvious delusional disorder, she has delusions of grandeur quite often from what I have seen on this site and Mike South's blog. I only wish I could be in the gallery for her lawsuit's trial on 19th September. I think the judge is going to laugh Akinloser right out of court and maybe hold her in contempt for misuse of the court's resources (or for an outburst when Monica, Michael and other people tell the truth about her). 90 days in the Riverside County Jail might teach Akinloser to shut up and not lie about people. For Akinloser's information, contempt of court is when you make the judge mad at you and violate court rules (just in case you didn't know what I was talking about). I hope you like bread, water, orange jumpsuits and handcuffs Akinloser because you may be experiencing a lot of it in jail. Heck, if you cause trouble while in jail the guards may even hog-tie you and leave you on your stomach in a solitary cell for a day or two, Akinloser. My advice to Akinloser is to drop her silly lawsuit and remember that honest, caring people also exist in the porn industry and those people really do care about talent.

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