FSC Relic Jeffrey Douglas Says Stupid Shit to XBIZ, XBIZ Prints it

In an article appearing on XBIZ, Jeffrey Douglas was quoted:

“no equivalency between Trump and Biden,” because, Democratic administrations have never made ”a concerted effort” to destroy adult entertainment.

And of course in true slap dick fashion, XBIZ just let this go unchecked

Measure B


In 2012 proponents gathered 372,000 voter signatures through a citizens’ initiative in Los Angeles County to put Measure B on the 2012 ballot.[5] Supporters of Measure B said it would stop the spread of STDs in the porn industry and protect tax dollars.[6]

Supporters included porn performer Aurora Snow,[7] Jenna Jameson,[6] Pink Cross Foundation,[8] and Michael Weinstein, president of the AIDS Healthcare Foundation. Weinstein claims that according to the Los Angeles County Public Health Department, “thousands of performers have been infected with thousands of STDs over the last few years.”[9]

Weinstein, a huge supporter of the democratic party


The No On Government Waste Committee opposed Measure B claiming it would waste tax-payer money and drive the porn industry out of the state. It said that it was supported in its opposition by the Los Angeles County Federation of Republican Women, Los Angeles County Republican and Libertarian Parties, and the Log Cabin Republicans of Los Angeles.

State legislation – AB1576

On January 30, 2014 California Assemblyperson Isadore Hall (D – Compton, 64th District) introduced Assembly Bill 1576.[30] Like its failed predecessor, AB640 in 2013 (also introduced by Hall),[31] the bill is a statewide version of Measure B that affects Los Angeles County only and makes it a criminal offense to violate its provisions

The bill also imposes a controversial government mandate on testing, forcing producers to disclose performers’ STI test details to the Department of Industrial Relations.

Jeffrey Douglas, the buffoon who sits on the FSC board, uses that position to collect legal fees,  doesn’t remember some of the most damning legislation brought to porns doorstep.. But yet, all 11 people in the FSC keep voting this guy in..

The threat to the adult industry isn’t 4 year elected Washington politicians, its always at the state level. People like Hall, with big dreams are easily influenced by the Weinsteins of the world. Washington just makes a committee, makes the porn bed, so the porn room looks clean. The real damage is done at the state level.



Was a bi-partisan bill

SESTA was co-sponsored by 27 Democratic and Republican senators; early supporters of the bill included members of the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, which is chaired by Portman and led the aforementioned investigation into Backpage.[13] Representative Mimi Walters stated that websites such as Backpage have become the “storefronts” for the modern-day slave trade and that the FOSTA-SESTA legislation will help prosecutors “crack down on websites that promote sex trafficking” as well as provide recourse for victims.[14] Representative Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) stated her support for the FOSTA-SESTA package, believing that “Congress must act to clarify that Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act was never meant to shield sex traffickers.

It would of been signed into law with either a Republican or Democrat President, you stupid fucks..

The guy who sniffs little kids hair vs the guy who bangs pornstars


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