By Brad Hammer
Before working at Next Door Studios I had heard of the term gay-for-pay, but I wasn’t really sure what all that label entailed. I, like many gay men, always had a fetish for straight men. The difference was my relationships with straight men didn’t involve money or the spotlight, but usually involved alcohol and some pretend sleeping. Most of these guys are married and have kids now and I was a part of their “experimental phase. ” A phase that they have moved on from and probably have not continued into their adult life.
I find it really fascinating that so many seemingly complete straight guys from small town America are willing to be paid to do gay porn. First of all, let me start by saying that I obviously don’t have any issues with it. In fact, there is something really attractive about the fact these guys are open-minded enough to go “there.” The thing is, I grew up in a tiny town in Ohio and most of these guys remind me of my high school friends, whom I know for a fact would never consider doing gay porn. So this conversation lends itself to this question: What type of straight guy does it take to do gay porn?
I am far from an expert on this topic, I am writing this more as a open letter to see what everyone feels about this topic by asking the following questions. Are they really gay? Do they need the money that bad? Is it for attention?
Are they really gay?
I have probably worked with close to 25 gay-for-pay porn stars in the past four months. For me, these guys have really confirmed what I already knew. If sexuality is a black and white sliding scale then every single shade of grey needs to not be left out. There are some guys who I have worked with that have literally thrown up from sucking another man’s penis. Then there are some guys who have girlfriends and multiple kids that will take a cock up their ass like a champ. Even so, to say they have to be gay in order to have gay sex is pretty close-minded.
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