‘Girl-On-Girl’ Movies Cause Women to Become Lesbians, Suggests Pat Robertson (Video)

A viewer asked Pat Robertson today on “The 700 Club” if she should step down from her ministry position because her 21-year-old daughter, who lives at home, has revealed that she is in a lesbian relationship.

The beleaguered mom said she couldn’t understand how this could happen as her daughter is “very feminine.”

Robertson told the mom that she shouldn’t step down from her ministry position, but then offered some advice for the daughter, noted RightWingWatch.org.

“I think [the daughter] needs somebody to help her get her identity straight,” advised Robertson. “She may not be right in this, she may have thought she has a crush on some older girl along the way and she’s actually homosexual when she’s not, I don’t know… Why is she that way? Was she molested when she was younger?”

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