“Most of the group wanted condoms in porn” Former Scam Union Member Speaks Out #APAG

When the scam Union first started, there were quite a few different people that came and went. Almost all the people that bailed did so once they came to the realization that the Union was nothing more than a hustle. The person who answered questions on the condition of anonymity has been in the industry for 10 plus years, maybe more.

This interview as given to me in 2017, and was done after walking away from the Union due to getting fed up with the “immaturity” of Phyllisha Anne and Alana.

I sat on it because of the the election questions, I wanted to wait until the elections to see if the leadership changed or stayed the same just like I was told it would. However, the union president tweeted that all officers get 3 year terms which would mean 18 more months of waiting.

Instead I decided to pull some excerpts from the interview and at some point will publish the interview in it’s entirety on LukeIsBack.com


I was asked to get involved shortly after the union became public, money was always at the forefront of meetings with Phyllisha Ann. Things like subsidized salaries were a constant talking point.

Most of the group wanted condoms in porn, they thought it would help them get grant money from AHF as well as the US Government.

At one point Alana asked about expense accounts, or the legality of them..

Watch, you wont really ever see a diverse board or new group of officers, they were hand picked from the start based on interest and popularity. Even when their terms  are up, Melissa, Alana, Phyllisha Ann   and most of the others, in one way or other, will all still be in charge. Basically the board wont really ever change, unless they turn on each other like after the Prop 60 vote

Drug use amongst most of the leadership was rampant, some didn’t even try to hide it.

Sean Michaels was non-existent after the novelty of being President wore off, missing functions or showing up late was common place for him.

My biggest issue wasn’t the money dreams, but Alana, Melissa’s and Phyllisha Ann constantly trying to force their views not only on other board members, but the industry. When you write about the Union deciding who can and cant be in porn, you hit it on the head. At the time, Phyllisha Ann really wasn’t in an elected position but that didn’t stop her from constantly making threats about removing people from HER union.

The 21 and over discussion was upsetting because we all started before we were 21. We were all friends prior to the Union forming, but once Phyllisha Ann brought up salaries it quickly became everyone for themselves. It was no longer about helping out fellow performers, it turned into a pyramid scheme almost.

I lost count of how many times Phyllisha Ann asked “when should start collecting dues”

When it comes to social media, or at least twitter and Facebook, I’ve never seen a more immature group of people. The bullying and arguing with performers and directors was embarrassing to say the least. Here you are talking about helping your industry brothers and sisters but the first time someone disagrees with Alana or Phyllisha Ann publicly they get attacked. I found it very unprofessional.

I would recommend performers join APAC, not because a porn union is a bad idea, because it’s absolute chaos at the top

At the time of this interview, Melissa Hill was still 2nd VP of APAG. After a public fight between her and other board members, she was either removed or resigned.



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